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1. method是指一种特定的做事方式或者处理问题的方法。它可以是一种固定的程序,也可以是一种灵活的策略。

2. 读音:英 [ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈmeθəd]

3. 词组近义词:approach, technique, system, procedure, way


method的音标为英 [ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈmeθəd],其中“θ”为英文中特有的发音,在发音时将舌尖放在上齿后面,口腔轻轻闭合,然后吐气发出“th”的声音。


1. method作为名词使用时,常用于指具体的操作步骤或者处理问题的程序。

- What is your teaching method? (你的教学方法是什么?)

- We need to find a more efficient method for solving this problem. (我们需要找到一个更有效率的解决方法。)

2. method也可以作为动词使用,意为“运用方法”、“采取手段”。

- He always methods his way through difficult situations. (他总是能够通过困难情况。)

- The company is constantly trying to method new ways to improve their products. (公司一直在尝试采取新方法来改进产品。)


1. The scientific method is a systematic approach to problem-solving. (科学方法是一种的解决问题的方法。)

2. The teacher used different methods to help students understand the concept. (老师采用了不同的方法来帮助学生理解这个概念。)

3. Our company has developed a new marketing method to reach more customers. (我们公司开发了一种新的营销方法来吸引更多的客户。)

4. The police are currently using advanced methods to track down the suspect. (正在使用先进的方法来追踪嫌疑人。)

5. She has her own method for organizing her schedule and staying productive. (她有自己的时间安排和保持高效率的方法。)


1. approach:指一种具体的处理方式或者接近某一问题的方式。

- Our approach to solving this issue is to gather more information first. (我们解决这个问题的方式是先收集更多信息。)

2. technique:指某项技能或者技巧,通常与特定领域相关。

- He has mastered various techniques for cooking different types of cuisine. (他掌握了各种不同菜系烹饪技巧。)

3. system:指一套有条理、有组织、有规律性的程序或者方法。

- The company has a strict system in place to ensure quality control. (公司有一套严格的来确保质量。)

4. procedure:指按照特定步骤进行的程序或者手续。

- There is a standard procedure for handling customer complaints. (处理客户投诉有一个标准的程序。)

5. way:指一种具体的做事方式,也可以用来表示一条路径或者方向。

- I prefer the old-fashioned way of doing things. (我更喜欢老式的做事方式。)

- Can you show me the way to the nearest gas station? (你能告诉我去最近的加油站的路吗?)




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