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['英 [ˈmetə] 美 [ˈmetə]', 'n. 元数据;后设;超越', 'META is a prefix that means "after" or "beyond." It is derived from the Greek word "meta" and has been adopted in the English language to indicate something that goes beyond or transcends.', '1. The prefix META is often used in technology to describe data about data, or information that provides context for other information. - 前缀META经常被用于技术领域,用来描述关于数据的数据,或者为其他信息提供上下文的信息。', '2. In philosophy, META refers to something that is self-referential or goes beyond the physical world. - 在哲学中,META指的是自我指涉的事物或超越物理世界的事物。', '3. The prefix META can also be used in a figurative sense, such as in the phrase "meta-thinking," which means thinking about thinking. - 前缀META也可以在比喻意义上使用,比如在短语“meta-thinking”中,它表示思考思考。', '4. The term META can also be used as an abbreviation for meta-analysis, a statistical method for combining and analyzing data from multiple studies. - 术语META也可以作为元分析的缩写,这是一种将多个研究的数据合并和分析的统计方法。', '5. In video games, the term META refers to the most effective strategy or playstyle in a particular game at a given time. - 在视频游戏中,术语META指的是某一特定游戏中在某一特定时间内最有效的策略或玩法。', 'synonyms: beyond, transcendent, self-referential', '同义词:超越,超然,自我指涉', 'Editor's Summary: META is a prefix that can have multiple meanings and is often used in technology, philosophy, and other fields. It can refer to something that goes beyond or transcends, is self-referential, or provides context for other information. In video games, it can also refer to the most effective strategy at a given time.']



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