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merge是一个动词,意为“合并、融合”,常用于描述两个或多个事物合并成为一个整体的过程。其读音为/mɜːdʒ/,其中/mɜː/发音类似于“妈”(ma),/dʒ/发音类似于“奇”(key)。常见的词组有:merge into(合并成为)、merge with(与...合并)、merge together(一起合并)等。





1. merge作为及物动词,后接宾语表示将两个或多个事物合并成一个整体。:

- The two companies decided to merge into one to increase their market share.


- The two rivers merge together at this point and form a larger river.


2. merge也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示事物本身融入、融和在一起。:

- The colors of the sunset and the ocean merge beautifully in the horizon.


- The different cultures in this city have merged over time, creating a unique blend of traditions.


3. merge还可以表示“逐渐变得相似或混合”。:

- The two styles of music have merged over the years, creating a new genre.


- The two languages have merged to form a new dialect in this region.



1. The company decided to merge with its compe to increase its market share.


2. The two companies merged into one, forming a new and stronger entity in the market.


3. The river merges with the sea, creating a beautiful estuary.


4. The different cultures in this city have merged over time, creating a unique blend of traditions.


5. The two styles of music have merged over the years, creating a new genre.



1. combine:意为“结合、联合”,强调将两个或多个事物结合在一起,通常指为了达到共同的目标。:combine efforts(结合力量)、combine resources(整合资源)。

2. unite:意为“联合、团结”,强调通过共同的信念或目标来使人们团结在一起。:unite for a cause(为一项事业团结)、unite against a common enemy(团结对抗共同的敌人)。

3. amalgamate:意为“混合、融合”,强调将不同的事物混合成一个整体。:amalgamate cultures(融合文化)、amalgamate ideas(混合想法)。


merge是一个常用的动词,表示将两个或多个事物合并成一个整体,也可以表示事物本身融入、融和在一起。其常见词组有merge into、merge with、merge together等。除了用于描述实际的事物合并外,merge还可以表示逐渐变得相似或混合。它与combine、unite和amalgamate等动词有着相似的意思,但各自侧重点不同。在撰写文章时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的动词来表达“合并”这一含义。


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