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英 [məˈtʃʊəd] 美 [məˈtʃʊrd]



例句1:She is a matured woman and knows how to handle things well.(她是一个成熟的女人,知道如何处理事情。)

Example 1: She is a matured woman and knows how to handle things well.

例句2:The wine has been matured for ten years, and its taste is excellent.(这种酒已经陈酿了十年,味道非常好。)

Example 2: The wine has been matured for ten years, and its taste is excellent.

例句3:The young boy has matured into a responsible adult.(这个小男孩已经成长为一个负责任的成年人。)

Example 3: The young boy has matured into a responsible adult.

例句4:The company has matured over the years and now it's one of the leading players in the industry.(这家公司在多年的发展中变得成熟,现在已经是该行业中的领企业之一。)

Example 4: The company has matured over the years and now it's one of the leading players in the industry.

例句5:Her writing style has matured since her first novel.(自从出版第一部小说以来,她的写作风格已经成熟了。)

Example 5: Her writing style has matured since her first novel.




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