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Mar是一个英语单词,可以作为名词、动词或缩写形式使用。作为名词时,它的意思是“三月”或“海陆战队”。作为动词时,它的意思是“破坏”、“损坏”或“弄脏”。作为缩写形式时,它可以表示“海陆战队(Marine Corps)”或“行政管理部门(Management and Reporting)”。





1. 作为名词时,Mar用来表示三月份的月份名称。:

- My birthday is in Mar.(我的生日在三月。)

- The conference will be held in Mar.(将在三月举行。)

2. 作为名词时,Mar也可以指代美国海陆战队。:

- My brother is a Mar.(我哥哥是一名海陆战队士。)

- The Mars are known for their bravery and strength.(美国海陆战队以勇敢和力量闻名。)

3. 作为动词时,Mar表示破坏、损坏或弄脏某物。:

- Please don't mar the table with your pen marks.(请不要用笔在桌子上弄脏。)

- The beautiful landscape was marred by the construction site.(美丽的风景被建筑工地破坏了。)

4. 作为缩写形式时,Mar可以表示“海陆战队”或“行政管理部门”。:

- He joined the Mar after graduating from college.(他从大学毕业后加入了海陆战队。)

- The report has been sent to the Mar for review.(报告已经发送给行政管理部门进行审核。)


1. My sister's birthday is in Mar, so we are planning a surprise party for her.


2. The Mar is known for their tough training and strict discipline.


3. The accident marred the beautiful painting that I had just finished.


4. The new policy was introduced by the Mar to improve efficiency in the workplace.


5. He was discharged from the Mar due to his injuries sustained in combat.



1. Damage:作为动词时,表示“损坏”、“破坏”;作为名词时,表示“损害”、“损失”。:

- The storm damaged many houses in the village.(暴风雨破坏了村子里的许多房屋。)

- The damage caused by the earthquake was estimated to be over a million dollars.(地震造成的损失被估计超过一百万美元。)

2. Spoil:作为动词时,表示“破坏”、“毁掉”或“宠坏”;作为名词时,表示“”。:

- Don't spoil the surprise by telling her about the party.(不要告诉她派对的事情,以免泄露惊喜。)

- The milk has gone bad and is starting to spoil.(牛奶变质了,开始变臭。)

3. Impair:作为动词时,表示“削弱”、“减少”的意思。:

- His poor eyesight impairs his ability to drive at night.(他的视力不好影响了他夜间驾驶的能力。)

- Lack of sleep can impair your performance at work.(缺乏睡眠会影响你在工作中的表现。)




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