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1. local作形容词时可表示某物或某人属于或来自某个特定地区,常用于以下句型:

- He is a local farmer.(他是当地的农民。)

- This is a local specialty.(这是当地的特产。)

2. local作名词时可指本地人,常用于以下句型:

- The locals are very friendly here.(这里的本地人非常友好。)

- The locals recommended this restaurant to us.(本地人向我们推荐了这家餐厅。)

3. local还可用作副词,意为“在附近,在当地”,常用于以下句型:

- We went to the local market to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables.(我们去了当地市场买些新鲜水果和蔬菜。)

- The hotel offers free shuttle service to the local airport.(酒店提供免费的当地机场接送服务。)


1. The local government has implemented new policies to promote economic development.(当地已实施新以促进经济发展。)

2. We are proud to support local businesses and products.(我们很自豪地支持本地企业和产品。)

3. The locals were very welcoming and showed us around their village.(本地人非常热情,带我们参观了他们的村庄。)

4. I always try to buy from local farmers' markets instead of big supermarkets.(我总是尽量在本地农贸市场购物,而不是大型超市。)

5. The hotel offers a variety of activities for guests to experience the local culture and customs.(酒店为客人提供各种活动,让他们体验当地的文化和风俗习惯。)


1. native:作形容词时意为“本土的,土生土长的”,作名词时指“土著居民”。

- Many native plants can only be found in this area.(许多本土植物只能在这个地区找到。)

- The natives taught us how to fish in the river.(当地居民教我们如何在河里钓鱼。)

2. indigenous:作形容词时意为“土著的,本土的”,强调某物或某人与特定地区有紧密。

- The indigenous people have a deep understanding of the local ecosystem.(土著居民对当地生态有着深刻的了解。)

- The museum displays artifacts of the indigenous culture.(博物馆展示了土著文化的文物。)

3. regional:作形容词时意为“地区的,区域性的”,强调某物或某人在特定地区内具有共同特征。

- This dish is a regional specialty and can only be found in this province.(这道菜是当地的特色菜肴,只能在这个省份找到。)

- The company has set up several regional offices to better serve its customers.(公司设立了几家区域办事处,以更好地服务客户。)

4. domestic:作形容词时意为“国内的,本国的”,强调某物或某人与国内事务相关。

- The government has implemented policies to boost domestic consumption.(已实施以促进国内消费。)

- The domestic market for organic products is growing rapidly in recent years.(近年来,有机产品在国内市场快速增长。)




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