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1. license是指由或其他颁发的许可证,允许个人或组织从事特定的活动或行业。


2. 读音:英 [ˈlaɪsns] 美 [ˈlaɪsns]

3. 词组近义词:permit、authorization、certificate、credential


license的音标为 [ˈlaɪsns]。


1. license作为名词,表示“许可证”、“执照”等含义,在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语。

- You need a license to drive a car in this country.(在这个,开车需要有驾驶执照。)

- He applied for a license to open a restaurant.(他申请了一张开餐厅的执照。)

- The company has obtained the necessary licenses for its business operations.(该公司已获得其业务运营所需的必要许可证。)

2. license也可以作为动词,表示“授权”、“许可”等含义,在句中通常接受事物作宾语。

- The government has licensed the use of this new technology.(已经授权使用这项新技术。)

- The company is licensed to produce and sell this product.(该公司被授权生产和销售这个产品。)


1. You need a license to operate a motor vehicle.(开车需要有驾驶执照。)

2. The company has obtained the necessary licenses for its business operations.(该公司已获得其业务运营所需的必要许可证。)

3. The government has licensed the use of this new technology.(已经授权使用这项新技术。)

4. He applied for a license to open a restaurant.(他申请了一张开餐厅的执照。)

5. The doctor's medical license was suspended due to malpractice.(医生因医疗事故而被暂停执业证书。)


1. permit:表示“允许”、“准许”的意思,强调经过某种程序或手续后被允许。

- You must have a permit to enter this restricted area.(进入这个受限制的区域必须有许可证。)

- The city council has granted permission for the construction of the new building.(市议会已经批准了新建筑物的建设。)

2. authorization:指由权威授予的正式的、法律效力的许可。

- Only authorized personnel are allowed to access this confidential information.(只有授权人员可以接触这些机密信息。)

- The company needs written authorization from the owner to make any changes to the property.(该公司需要房主的书面授权才能对房产做出任何变更。)

3. certificate:指由或专业颁发的证明某人具备特定能力或资格的文件。

- She received a certificate of achievement for her outstanding performance in the competition.(她因在比赛中表现出色而获得成就证书。)

- The new employee must provide a copy of his degree certificate before starting work.(新员工必须在入职前提供学位证明的复印件。)

4. credential:指个人或组织拥有的能够证明其身份、资格或能力的文件或信息。

- The candidate presented his credentials to the hiring manager during the job interview.(求职者在面试过程中向招聘经理呈交了他的资历证明。)

- The organization requires all members to provide their credentials for verification.(该组织要求所有成员提供其资质信息以进行核实。)




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