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1. 作为名词:

- The walls of the room were painted in indigo, giving it a calm and peaceful atmosphere. (房间的墙壁被涂成了靛蓝色,给人一种平静宁静的氛围。)

- Indigo is often used as a natural dye for fabrics. (靛蓝常被用作布料的天然染料。)

2. 作为形容词:

- The night sky was filled with indigo stars, shining brightly above us. (夜空中布满了深蓝色的星星,在我们头顶闪耀着光芒。)

- She wore an indigo dress to the party, which made her stand out from the crowd. (她在派对上穿了一条靛蓝色的裙子,让她在人群中脱颖而出。)

3. 作为动词:

- The fabric was indigo-dyed, giving it a unique and vibrant color. (这块布料是用靛蓝染色的,给它带来了独特而鲜艳的颜色。)

- She learned how to indigo her own clothes, and now she can create her own unique style. (她学会了如何给自己的衣服染上靛蓝色,现在她可以打造出自己独特的风格。)


1. The indigo dye was extracted from the leaves of the plant.


2. The artist used different shades of indigo to create a beautiful gradient effect in her painting.


3. I love wearing indigo-colored clothes because it brings out the color of my eyes.


4. The traditional method of indigo dyeing involves fermenting the leaves in water for several days before using them to dye fabrics.


5. The night was so dark that the sky looked almost indigo, with only a few stars twinkling in the distance.



1. Blue:蓝色,是indigo的近义词,但它可以指代更广泛的颜色范围。

- She wore a beautiful blue dress to the party. (她穿了一条漂亮的蓝色裙子去参加派对。)

2. Navy:海蓝,也可以指代深蓝色。

- The walls of the room were painted in navy, giving it a sophisticated and elegant look. (房间的墙壁被涂成了海蓝,给它带来了精致优雅的外观。)

3. Cobalt:钴蓝色,也可以指代深蓝色。

- Her eyes were a striking shade of cobalt, which made them stand out from her dark hair. (她的眼睛是一种引人注目的钴蓝色,在她黑色的头发中显得格外突出。)

4. Sapphire:蓝宝石色,也可以指代深蓝色。

- The sky was a beautiful shade of sapphire, with the sun setting behind the mountains. (天空呈现出一种美丽的蓝宝石色,太阳在山后落下。)

5. Cobalt blue:钴蓝色,也可以指代深蓝色。

- The ocean was a stunning shade of cobalt blue, with the sun shining down on it. (大海呈现出令人惊叹的钴蓝色,太阳照耀着它。)


Indigo是一个多功能的英文单词,可以用作名词、形容词或动词,指代深蓝色或靛蓝色。它可以用于描述颜色、染料或者染色过程。在使用时,需要根据上下文来确定其具体含义。同义词包括blue、navy、cobalt、sapphire和cobalt blue等,但它们也有各自的特定含义和用法。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该准确地理解单词的含义,并根据语境选择合适的同义词来丰富文章内容。


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