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读音:英 [ˈaɪdəl] 美 [ˈaɪdəl]



1. celebrity:名人,指备受公众关注和尊敬的人物。

2. role model:榜样,指被他人效仿和学习的典范。

3. icon:偶像,特指在年轻一代中拥有巨大影响力和魅力的人物。

4. star:明星,指在某个领域或行业中备受瞩目和认可的人物。

5. hero:,指因为杰出的成就或品德而被广泛赞扬和崇拜的人物。


idol的音标为 [ˈaɪdəl] ,其中重音在第一个音节上。


1. idol可以作为名词使用,表示“偶像”、“名人”等含义。:

- He is my idol and I always look up to him.


- The pop star is adored by millions of fans and has become an international idol.


2. idol也可以作为形容词使用,表示“备受崇拜的”、“备受推崇的”等含义。:

- She is an idol figure in the fashion industry.


- The actor's performance was idolized by his fans.



1. She has been my idol since I was a teenager.


2. The football player is not only a skilled athlete, but also a role model for many young players.


3. The rock star is one of the most iconic idols in the music industry.


4. Many young girls dream of becoming idols and being adored by their fans.


5. The hero's bravery and selflessness have made him an idol in the eyes of the public.



1. celebrity:作为名词使用,指备受公众关注和尊敬的人物。:

- The actress has become a celebrity overnight after her latest movie became a blockbuster.


2. role model:作为名词使用,指被他人效仿和学习的典范。:

- She is a perfect role model for young women who want to pursue their dreams.


3. icon:作为名词使用,特指在年轻一代中拥有巨大影响力和魅力的人物。:

- The fashion icon's style is often imitated by her fans.


4. star:作为名词使用,指在某个领域或行业中备受瞩目和认可的人物。:

- The young singer has become a rising star in the music industry.


5. hero:作为名词使用,指因为杰出的成就或品德而被广泛赞扬和崇拜的人物。:

- The firefighter was hailed as a hero for saving a child from a burning building.



idol是一个常用的英文单词,意为“偶像”,通常指备受崇拜和追捧的人或物。它可以用来形容某个特定领域或群体中备受推崇的人物,并且还可以作为形容词使用,表示“备受崇拜的”、“备受推崇的”等含义。除了idol之外,还有其他几个近义词可以用来表达类似的意思,如celebrity、role model、icon、star和hero。在使用时需要注意区分其含义和用法,以免造成歧义。


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