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1. pit:坑,可以指地面上的凹陷处,也可以指深坑。

2. cavity:空腔,多用于医学领域。

3. aperture:孔隙,多指小孔或者缝隙。

4. orifice:开口,多指身体器官的开口。

5. perforation:穿孔,多指物体表面被打上了小孔。




1. hole作为名词时,可以表示物体表面上或者内部的空洞。:

- There is a hole in my sock.(我的袜子有个洞。)

- The rabbit dug a hole in the ground to hide from the fox.(兔子挖了个洞躲避狐狸。)

2. hole还可以表示某个地方或者物体中间的空间。:

- The keyhole is too small for the key.(锁眼太小,钥匙放不进去。)

- The donut has a hole in the middle.(甜甜圈中间有个洞。)

3. hole也可以用作动词,意思是“挖洞”或者“打洞”。:

- The workers are digging a hole for the foundation of the building.(工人们正在挖建筑物的地基。)

- She accidentally holed her shirt with a pair of scissors.(她不小心用剪刀把衬衫剪了个洞。)

4. 在一些习语中,hole也可以表示“困境”或者“糟糕的情况”。:

- be in a hole:处于困境中

- dig oneself into a hole:自掘坟墓

- be in a deep hole:陷入困境


1. There's a small hole in the wall where the mouse can get in and out.(墙上有个小洞,老鼠可以从里面进出。)

2. She lost her earring because there was a hole in her pocket.(她的耳环掉了,因为口袋里有个洞。)

3. The golf ball rolled into the hole and everyone cheered for him.(高尔夫球滚进了洞里,大家为他欢呼。)

4. He dug a deep hole in the ground to bury his treasure.(他在地里挖了个深坑,用来埋藏他的财宝。)

5. I'm afraid we're in a bit of a hole here.(恐怕我们陷入了一个困境。)


1. pit:可以指地面上的凹陷处,也可以指深坑。

- The car fell into a pit and got stuck.(汽车掉进了坑里,被卡住了。)

- The miners were trapped in the pit for three days before they were rescued.(矿工们被困在深坑里三天才被救出来。)

2. cavity:多用于医学领域,表示身体器官内部的空腔。

- The dentist found a cavity in my tooth and filled it with a filling.(牙医我的牙齿有个蛀牙,给我填了个补牙。)

- The doctor found a cavity in his lung during the check-up.(医生在体检时他肺部有个空洞。)

3. aperture:多指小孔或者缝隙。

- The camera has an adjustable aperture to control the amount of light entering the lens.(相机有一个可调节的光圈,可以进入镜头的光线量。)

- There was only a narrow aperture between the rocks, and we had to squeeze through it to get to the other side.(两块岩石之间只有一个狭窄的缝隙,我们不得不挤过去才能到达另一边。)

4. orifice:多指身体器官的开口。

- The doctor inserted a tube into the orifice of his nose to help him breathe.(医生把一根管子插入他鼻子的开口,帮助他呼吸。)

- The bird's beak has a small orifice at the end, which it uses to catch insects.(鸟嘴尖端有个小孔,它用来捕捉昆虫。)

5. perforation:多指物体表面被打上了小孔。

- The paper has perforations along the edge so that you can easily tear it off.(这张纸沿着边缘有脱孔,方便撕下来。)

- He accidentally stepped on a nail and got a perforation in his shoe.(他不小心踩到钉子,鞋子上被打了个洞。)




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