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1. grind是动词,意为“磨碎、碾压、磨光”等。也可以指“折磨、使苦恼”。在美国俚语中,还有“努力工作、拼命奋斗”的意思。

2. 读音:[ɡraɪnd]

3. 词组近义词:

(1) crush:指用力压碎或压扁物体。

(2) pulverize:指将物体粉碎成细小颗粒。

(3) grate:指用摩擦力使物体变成细小颗粒。

(4) torment:指折磨或使苦恼。




1. grind作为动词时,常用于以下结构:

(1) grind something into something:将某物磨成某物。

例句:He ground the coffee beans into powder. (他将咖啡豆磨成了粉末。)

(2) grind something to something:将某物磨到某种程度。

例句:She ground the spices to a fine powder. (她把香料磨得很细。)

(3) grind on/away/at something:不停地做某事;不断地努力做某事。

例句:He has been grinding away at his thesis for months. (他已经连续几个月在写他的论文。)

2. grind作为名词时,常用于以下结构:

(1) the daily grind:指日复一日的单调生活或工作。

例句:She was tired of the daily grind and decided to take a break. (她厌倦了每天重复的单调生活,决定休息一下。)

(2) a grind on someone:指对某人的折磨或苦恼。

例句:The constant criticism from her boss was a real grind on her. (老板不断地批评让她很痛苦。)


1. The miller used a large stone to grind the wheat into flour. (磨坊主用一块大石头把小麦磨成面粉。)

2. The heavy traffic grinds the asphalt road into dust. (密集的车流把沥青路面磨成了灰尘。)

3. Her constant nagging and complaints really grind on my nerves. (她不断的唠叨和抱怨真让我心烦。)

4. She has been grinding away at her studies all week to prepare for the exam. (她整个星期都在努力学习,为考试做准备。)

5. The daily grind of working 9 to 5 was getting too much for him, so he decided to quit and travel the world. (每天朝九晚五的工作让他受不了,于是他决定辞职去环游世界。)


1. crush:指用力压碎或压扁物体。

例句:She crushed the garlic with a pestle. (她用杵把大蒜压碎了。)

2. pulverize:指将物体粉碎成细小颗粒。

例句:The machine can pulverize rocks into sand. (这台机器可以把岩石研磨成沙子。)

3. grate:指用摩擦力使物体变成细小颗粒。

例句:She grated some cheese to put on of the pizza. (她擦了一些奶酪放在比萨饼上面。)

4. torment:指折磨或使苦恼。

例句:The guilt of what he had done tormented him for years. (他所做的事情的罪恶感让他多年来备受折磨。)




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