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genocide作为一个名词,在句子中通常作主语或宾语使用。它指的是一种有意地针对某一特定种族、民族或群体的灭绝行为。这种行为可能包括、强迫迁移、剥夺权利等手段。genocide这个词最早出现在1944年波兰律师拉夫·勃朗宁(Raphael Lemkin)提出的一篇论文中,他将其定义为“谋杀或其他严重身体或伤害行为,旨在完全或部分摧毁某一民族、种族、民族集团或群体”。



1. The United Nations defines genocide as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.(联合国将种族灭绝定义为故意实施以下任何行为,旨在完全或部分摧毁某一民族、种族、民族或群体:杀害该群体成员;对该群体成员造成严重身体或伤害;蓄意给予该群体以导致其全部或部分身心毁灭的生活条件;实施旨在阻止该群体出生的措施;强迫转移该群体的儿童到另一个群体。)

2. The Armenian genocide was one of the first modern genocides, resulting in the systematic extermination of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire during World War I.(亚美尼亚大是最早的现代种族灭绝之一,在一战期间,约有150万亚美尼亚人遭到奥斯曼帝国的性。)

3. The Holocaust is considered one of the most horrific examples of genocide in history, with approximately 6 million Jews and millions of others, including Romas, homosexuals, and disabled individuals, systematically murdered by the Nazi regime during World War II.(大被认为是历史上最可怕的种族灭绝之一,约有600万犹太人和数百万其他人,包括罗马人、同性恋者和残疾人,在二战期间遭到纳粹政权的性。)

4. The Rwandan genocide in 1994 resulted in the mass murder of approximately 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus by extremist Hutu militias.(1994年的卢旺达种族灭绝导致约80万图西族和温和的胡图族被极端胡图民大规模。)

5. The ongoing persecution and ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people in Myanmar has been described as a genocide by many international organizations.(缅甸对罗兴亚人持续的迫害和种族清洗被许多国际组织描述为一场种族灭绝。)


除了massacre和holocaust之外,genocide的近义词还包括ethnic cleansing(种族清洗)、pogrom()等。这些词都指的是针对某一特定群体的大规模行为。与genocide不同的是,ethnic cleansing通常指的是通过迫使某一群体离开特定地区来实现“清洗”的目的,而不一定涉及直接的杀戮。pogrom则更侧重于指中针对某一特定群体的迫害行为。


genocide这个词是由拉夫·勃朗宁在20世纪40年代提出的,旨在描述针对特定种族、民族或群体的灭绝行为。它作为一个名词,在句子中通常作主语或宾语使用。除了massacre和holocaust之外,其近义词还包括ethnic cleansing和pogrom等。了解genocide这个词的意思和用法,有助于我们更深入地了解人类历史上发生过的悲惨,并希望能够避免类似的悲剧再次发生。


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