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1. Follow:与FO同义,也表示跟随、遵循的意思。

2. Pursue:表示追求、追赶的意思,也可与FO通用。

3. Obey:表示服从、听从的意思,也可与FO通用。

4. Adhere to:表示坚持、遵循的意思,也可与FO通用。

5. Comply with:表示遵守、顺从的意思,也可与FO通用。




1. 作动词时,常用于句子中表示跟随某人或某事物行动或做出相应反应。:

- I will FO you to the party.


- The dog always FOs its owner.


2. 作名词时,常用于句子中表示某人或某事物的跟随者或追随者。:

- The singer has a lot of FOs on social media.


- She is one of the FOs of the famous writer.



1. I always FO my mother's footsteps and become a doctor like her.


2. The students were asked to FO the instructions carefully before starting the experiment.


3. As a good citizen, we should all FO the laws and regulations of our country.


4. He has been my loyal FO for many years, always supporting me in everything I do.


5. The company's success is largely due to the hard work and dedication of its employees, who are all loyal FOs of the company.



1. Follow:与FO同义,也表示跟随、遵循的意思。

- The leader asked us to follow him to the meeting room.


- She always follows the latest fashion trends.


2. Pursue:表示追求、追赶的意思,也可与FO通用。

- He decided to pursue his dream of becoming a musician.


- The police are pursuing the suspect in the robbery case.


3. Obey:表示服从、听从的意思,也可与FO通用。

- Children should learn to obey their parents and teachers.


- All employees are required to obey the company's rules and regulations.


4. Adhere to:表示坚持、遵循的意思,也可与FO通用。

- Our company has always adhered to the principle of putting customers first.


- The government should adhere to the promises made to its citizens.


5. Comply with:表示遵守、顺从的意思,也可与FO通用。

- All students must comply with the school's rules and regulations.


- The company has promised to comply with all environmental regulations.



FO作为“follow”的缩写形式,常用于表示跟随、遵循的意思,可以作为动词或名词使用。其近义词包括Follow、Pursue、Obey、Adhere to和Comply with,都可与FO通用。在使用时需要根据语境选择合适的同义词,并注意发音和用法。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个常见的网络缩写单词。


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