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enjoy是一个动词,意为“享受,喜爱,欣赏”。它的读音为 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]。近义词包括:appreciate, relish, savor。


enjoy的音标为 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]。



1. enjoy作为动词时,常用于表示对某种活动、事物或经历感到快乐、满意或享受:

She enjoys reading books in her spare time.(她喜欢在空闲时间阅读书籍。)

They always enjoy going to the beach during summer vacation.(他们总是喜欢在暑假期间去海滩。)

2. enjoy也可以用来表示享有某种权利或好处:

We are lucky to enjoy a peaceful life in this beautiful town.(我们很幸运能够在这个美丽的小镇享受宁静的生活。)

As citizens, we should all enjoy the right to vote.(作为公民,我们都应该享有投票权。)

3. enjoy还可以用来表示对某种食物或饮料的喜爱:

I really enjoyed the delicious meal she cooked for me.(我非常喜欢她给我做的美味餐点。)

He enjoys a glass of red wine after dinner every night.(他每天晚上都会享用一杯红酒。)

4. enjoy也可以用来表示享受某种感觉或状态:

She enjoys the feeling of freedom when riding her bike.(她骑自行车时享受自由的感觉。)

They both enjoy the peacefulness of the countryside.(他们都喜欢乡村的宁静氛围。)


1. I really enjoy spending time with my family on weekends.(我非常喜欢在周末和家人一起度过时间。)

2. They always enjoy going to concerts together.(他们总是喜欢一起去听音乐会。)

3. We are lucky to enjoy a beautiful view of the ocean from our balcony.(我们很幸运能够从阳台上欣赏到美丽的海景。)

4. She enjoys playing the piano in her free time.(她喜欢在空闲时间弹钢琴。)

5. He doesn't really enjoy his job, but it pays well so he stays.(他并不是特别喜欢自己的工作,但是薪水不错所以还在坚持。)


1. appreciate:意为“感激,赏识”,指对某人或某物有好感或尊重:

I really appreciate your help with this project.(我非常感谢你对这个项目的帮助。)

2. relish:意为“享受,品味”,强调对某种活动或经历的享受和满足感:

He always relishes the challenge of a new adventure.(他总是喜欢迎接新的冒险挑战。)

3. savor:意为“品味,体验”,强调对某种事物的深刻感受和欣赏:

She savors every moment of her travels.(她享受旅行中的每一刻。)


enjoy是一个常用的动词,意为“享受,喜爱,欣赏”。它可以表示对某种活动、事物或经历的快乐、满意或享受,也可以表示享有某种权利或好处。其近义词包括appreciate, relish, savor。在使用时需要注意搭配和语境,以免造成歧义。


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