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1. 作为及物动词,depress可以接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接不定式作宾语补足语。:


- The bad news depressed him greatly.(这个坏消息让他非常沮丧。)

- The economic crisis has depressed the value of the currency.(经济危机已经压低了货币的价值。)

- I was depressed to hear that she had failed the exam.(听说她考试不及格我很沮丧。)

2. 作为不及物动词,depress可以表示“感到沮丧;情绪低落”。:

- She has been feeling very depressed lately.(最近她一直感觉很沮丧。)

- He tends to depress when he is under a lot of stress.(他在压力很大时容易情绪低落。)

3. 作为名词,depress也可以指“抑郁;消沉”。:

- She has been suffering from depression for years.(她多年来一直患有抑郁症。)

- The loss of her job sent her into a deep depression.(失去工作让她陷入了深深的消沉中。)


1. The constant rain and gloomy weather have been depressing our spirits.(持续的雨水和阴沉的天气让我们情绪低落。)

2. The death of his pet dog deeply depressed him.(他宠物狗的死让他非常沮丧。)

3. The company's decision to lay off employees has depressed the local economy.(公司裁员的决定压低了当地的经济。)

4. She was diagnosed with clinical depression and prescribed medication to help her cope.(她被诊断出患有临床抑郁症,并被开了药来帮助她应对。)

5. His constant negativity and complaining can really depress those around him.(他不断的消极和抱怨会让周围的人感到沮丧。)


1. sadden:意为“使悲伤;使难过”,强调情绪上受到打击或影响。

例句:The news of her friend's death saddened her deeply.(她朋友去世的消息让她深感悲伤。)

2. discourage:意为“使泄气;阻止”,强调对某人或某事产生负面影响。

例句:Her constant criticism discouraged him from pursuing his dreams.(她不断的批评让他放弃了追求自己梦想的想法。)

3. lower:意为“降低;减少”,强调数量或程度的减少。

例句:The company's decision to lower the prices of their products has attracted more customers.(公司降低产品价格的决定吸引了更多的顾客。)

4. suppress:意为“压制;抑制”,强调通过或阻止来使某事或某人消失。

例句:He tried to suppress his anger and remain calm in front of his boss.(他努力压制自己的愤怒,在老板面前保持冷静。)

5. oppress:意为“压迫;欺压”,强调对某人造成不公平或不舒服的影响。

例句:The dictator's regime oppressed the citizens and denied them basic human rights.(者的压迫着公民,剥夺了他们基本的人权。)




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