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1. a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time


2. a special feature or style that is typical of something

3. the practice of designing, making, and selling goods according to the specific requirements of a customer

1. 习俗,风俗,惯例(特定社会、地点或时期的)

2. 特点,风格(某物的典型性)

3. 订制,定做(根据顾客特定需求设计、制作和销售商品)

1. In this country, it is a custom for people to bow when they greet each other.


2. The architecture in this city has a unique custom of using bright colors on buildings.


3. The company offers custom-made furniture for their clients.


4. The bride wore a custom wedding dress that was designed specifically for her.


5. It is common for tourists to buy custom souvenirs when they visit foreign countries.



tradition, practice, habit

Custom refers to the traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time. It can also refer to a special feature or style that is typical of something. In addition, custom can also refer to the practice of designing, making, and selling goods according to the specific requirements of a customer.

As a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something, custom is an important aspect of culture and society. It reflects the values, beliefs, and customs of a particular group of people. For example, in some countries it is customary for people to remove their shoes before entering a home as a sign of respect. In other cultures, it may be customary for people to greet each other with a bow or handshake.

Custom can also refer to the special features or styles that are typical of something. For instance, when we talk about the customs of a particular city or country, we are referring to the unique characteristics and traditions that make it distinct from others. This could include things like architecture, food, fashion, or even language.

In addition to its cultural and societal meanings, custom can also refer to the practice of designing, making, and selling goods according to the specific requirements of a customer. This could include anything from tailor-made clothing and personalized gifts to custom-built furniture and cars.

In conclusion, custom is an important concept that encompasses both cultural traditions and individual preferences in terms of design and style. It plays a significant role in shaping our societies and personal identities. As such, it is essential for us as individuals to understand and respect customs in order to appreciate diversity and promote cultural understanding.


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