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contact是一个英语单词,名词,意为“、接触、交流”。它的读音为/kɒntækt/。常见的词组有make contact (与某人取得)、lose contact (失去)、keep in contact (保持)等。





1. 作为名词使用时,contact指的是与某人或某物的接触、交流或。:

- I lost contact with my old friend after he moved to another country. (我和老朋友在他搬到另一个后失去了。)

- The doctor advised me to avoid direct contact with the patient until my cold is gone. (医生建议我在感冒消失之前避免与病人直接接触。)

2. 作为动词使用时,contact表示“与…取得”。:

- I will try to contact you as soon as I have more information. (我会尽快与你取得,一旦我有更多信息。)

- Please use this email address to contact me for any further questions. (请使用这个邮箱与我取得以解决任何进一步的问题。)

3. 除了表示“接触”、“交流”外,contact还可以指“影响力”、“触及面”等。:

- The new policy has a direct contact on the company's profits. (新直接影响了公司的利润。)

- The virus can survive on surfaces in contact with infected individuals. (病毒可以在与感染者接触的表面上生存。)


1. She tried to make contact with her long-lost brother through social media. (她试图通过社交媒体与她失散已久的兄弟取得。)

2. Please keep in contact with us during your trip so we can assist you if needed. (请在旅行期间与我们保持,以便在需要时为您提供帮助。)

3. I accidentally deleted all my contacts from my phone and now I have no one's number. (我不小心从手机中删除了所有人,现在我没有任何人的号码了。)

4. The company is looking for someone who has good contacts in the fashion industry to promote their new line of clothing. (公司正在寻找在时尚界有良好关系网的人来推广他们的新服装系列。)

5. The athlete's performance was affected by his recent injury, which had a direct contact on his chances of winning the race. (运动员最近受伤影响了他的表现,这直接影响了他赢得比赛的机会。)


1. connection:名词,指一种关系或。

2. communication:名词,指信息的交流或传递。

3. touch:动词,指轻触或接触。

4. reach:动词,指到达或接触某人或某物。

5. link:名词,指连接或关联。




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