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1. comfort是指让人感到舒适、安心和满意的状态或感觉。

2. 读音:[ˈkʌmfət],英式发音为[kʌmft],美式发音为[kʌmfərt]。

3. 词组近义词:

- ease:舒适、安逸;

- solace:安慰、慰藉;

- consolation:慰问、抚慰;

- reassurance:放心、安抚;

- contentment:满足、满意。




1. comfort作为名词,可以表示“舒适”、“安慰”等含义。:

- The soft bed brought me great comfort after a long day of work. (经过一整天的工作后,柔软的床给我带来了极大的舒适。)

- She found comfort in her friends' words during her difficult time. (在她艰难的时刻,她从朋友们的话语中找到了安慰。)

2. comfort也可以作为动词使用,表示“安慰”、“抚慰”。:

- The mother tried to comfort her crying child by hugging him tightly. (母亲紧紧地拥抱着哭泣的孩子,试图安慰他。)

- His kind words comforted her and made her feel better. (他的温柔话语安慰了她,让她感觉好多了。)


1. She found great comfort in her favorite book during the difficult times. (在艰难时期,她从最喜欢的书中找到了巨大的安慰。)

2. The soft music and warm candlelight created a comfortable atmosphere in the room. (轻柔的音乐和温暖的烛光在房间里营造出一个舒适的氛围。)

3. He always wears loose and comfortable clothes to work, which makes him feel more relaxed. (他总是穿着宽松舒适的衣服去上班,这让他感觉更放松。)

4. The therapist provided emotional comfort to the patient by listening patiently to their problems. (治疗师通过耐心倾听患者的问题来给予情感上的安慰。)

5. After a long day of hiking, we were relieved to find a comfortable bed waiting for us at the hotel. (经过一整天的徒步旅行后,在酒店里找到一张舒适的床让我们感到欣慰。)


1. ease:指身心得到放松和舒适的状态。常用短语为at ease,表示“放松、安心”。:She felt completely at ease in his presence. (在他的身边,她感觉完全放松。)

2. solace:指通过安慰和鼓励来缓解痛苦或伤心。常用短语为find solace,表示“找到安慰”。:She found solace in her friends' company after her breakup. (分手后,她在朋友们的陪伴中找到了安慰。)

3. consolation:指通过安慰和抚慰来减轻忧伤或失望。常用短语为consolation prize,表示“安慰奖”。:Although she didn't win the competition, the consolation prize was still a great comfort to her. (虽然她没有赢得比赛,但安慰奖对她仍然是一个巨大的安慰。)

4. reassurance:指通过肯定和支持来消除不安或恐惧。常用短语为give reassurance,表示“给予保证”。:Her mother's words gave her the reassurance she needed before taking an important exam. (在进行一场重要考试前,母亲的话给了她所需要的保证。)

5. contentment:指满足和满意的心态。常用短语为feel contentment,表示“感到满足”。:She felt great contentment with her life after achieving her dream job. (实现了梦想的工作后,她对生活感到极大的满足。)




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