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1. 作动词时,catchup指追赶、赶上某人或某事物。:

- The runner tried to catch up with the leader, but he was too far ahead.


- I need to catch up on my reading, I've fallen behind this week.


2. 作名词时,catchup指一种调味酱,也称作番茄酱。:

- Can you pass me the catchup for my fries?


- This restaurant has the best catchup I've ever tasted.



1. The team had been losing all season, but they finally caught up with their rivals in the last game and won.


2. I'm sorry I'm late, I had to catch up on some work at the office.


3. The student missed a week of classes due to illness, but she was able to catch up with the help of her classmates and teachers.


4. He's been living abroad for 10 years, so he has a lot of catching up to do with his family and friends.


5. The catchup at this restaurant is homemade and tastes much better than store-bought brands.



1. Catch up with:与…赶上、追上;与…保持;理解、跟上。

- We need to catch up with the rest of the group before they leave.


- Let's have lunch next week and catch up with each other's lives.


- I'm having a hard time catching up with the new math concepts.


2. Keep up with:跟上、赶上;保持;了解、跟上。

- She's always one step ahead of me, I can't keep up with her.


- We've been friends since college and have managed to keep up with each other's lives.


- The professor speaks so fast, it's hard to keep up with his lectures.


3. Make up for:弥补、补偿。

- She missed her daughter's birthday, but she made up for it by taking her on a special trip the following week.



Catchup是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作动词或名词使用,意为“赶上”、“追赶”、“补充”。它可以用来描述人和物之间的关系,也可以指调味酱。在使用时需要注意其不同含义可能会带来的歧义。同时,它还有许多同义词,如catch up with和keep up with,可以根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达。


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