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bringup是一个动词,意为“抚养、培养、教育、提出、提高”。它的读音为[briŋ ʌp]。常见的词组有:bring up children(抚养孩子)、bring up a ic(提出一个话题)、bring up to date(更新)等。



[briŋ ʌp]


1. 抚养/培养/教育

- He was brought up by his grandparents. (他是由他的祖父母抚养长大的。)

- We should bring up our children to be independent. (我们应该培养我们的孩子独立。)

2. 提出/提高

- She brought up a good point during the meeting. (她在上提出了一个很好的观点。)

- The recent scandal has brought up concerns about the company's ethics. (最近的丑闻引发了人们对公司道德问题的关注。)

3. 更新

- I need to bring my resume up to date before applying for the job. (申请这份工作之前,我需要更新我的简历。)


1. His parents passed away when he was young, so he was brought up by his aunt.


2. It's important to bring up children with good values and manners.


3. During the meeting, John brought up the issue of budget cuts.


4. The recent economic growth has brought up the standard of living for many people.


5. The company needs to bring their technology up to date in order to stay competitive.



1. raise:强调从小到大培养、抚养,也可以指引起、提出。

:He raised his children to be independent. (他把孩子们培养成独立自主的人。)

2. nurture:强调耐心地培育、滋养。

:Plants need to be nurtured in order to grow well. (植物需要被精心地培育才能健康成长。)

3. educate:强调通过学习来提高知识和技能。

:It's important to educate children about the importance of environmental protection. (教育孩子们关于环保的重要性是很重要的。)

4. introduce:强调引入、提出、介绍新事物。

:The company plans to introduce a new product next month. (公司计划下个月推出一款新产品。)


bringup是一个常用的动词,它可以表示抚养、培养、教育,也可以指引起、提出、提高。它常见的词组有:bring up children(抚养孩子)、bring up a ic(提出一个话题)、bring up to date(更新)等。在使用时,我们需要根据具体语境来选择合适的意思。同时,它也有一些近义词,如raise、nurture、educate和introduce,它们也可以根据语境来替换使用。希望本篇词典释义能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个词汇。


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