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brakes是指车辆或机器等的制动装置,用来速度和停止运动。它通常由踏板、刹车盘、刹车片和刹车油等组成。在英语中,brakes的读音为 /breɪks/,其中“b”发音为/b/,“r”发音为/re/,“a”发音为/eɪ/,“k”发音为/k/,“e”发音为/e/,“s”发音为/s/。



brakes通常作为名词使用,在句子中可以作主语、宾语或定语。:“The car's brakes failed, causing it to crash into the tree.”(汽车的刹车失灵了,导致撞上了树),“I need to get my brakes checked before going on a long road trip.”(我需要在进行长途旅行之前检查一下我的刹车),“The mechanic replaced the worn-out brake pads.”(技师更换了磨损的刹车片)。


1. The cyclist used the brakes to slow down before making a sharp turn. (这位骑自行车的人在转弯前使用了刹车来减速)

2. The driver slammed on the brakes when he saw the red light. (司机看到红灯时急刹了车)

3. The emergency brake is located next to the driver's seat in most cars. (在大多数汽车中,紧急制动器都位于驾驶座旁边)

4. The train's brakes screeched as it came to a sudden s. (火车急刹车时发出尖叫声)

5. The car's anti-lock brakes prevented it from skidding on the wet road. (汽车的防抱死刹车防止它在湿滑的路面上打滑)


1. Sper:指物体或装置,用来阻止或停止运动。:“The sper on the door keeps it from slamming shut.”(门上的挡板可以防止门砰地关上)

2. Brake pedal:指汽车或自行车等的踏板,用来刹车。:“I accidentally stepped on the gas instead of the brake pedal.”(我不小心踩到了油门而不是刹车踏板)

3. Decelerator:指减速器,可以使物体减慢运动速度。:“The decelerator on the rollercoaster made the ride less intense.”(过山车上的减速器使乘坐变得不那么激烈)

4. Braking system:指整个刹车,包括所有与制动有关的零件。:“The mechanic is checking the braking system for any issues.”(技师正在检查整个刹车是否有问题)

5. Handbrake:指手刹,在紧急情况下可用来制动汽车。:“Don't forget to use the handbrake when parking on a hill.”(停车时在山坡上别忘了拉手刹)


brakes是一项重要的安全设备,它可以帮助我们车辆或机器的速度和停止运动。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到它,因此了解它的意思、读音和用法非常重要。除了上述提到的词汇外,还有一些相关的词汇如emergency brake(紧急制动器)、brake fluid(刹车油)等也值得学习。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用brakes这个词汇。


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