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1. associatedwith是一个复合词,由两个部分组成:associate和with。它的意思是“与...相关联”、“与...有关联”、“和...有”。在英语中,常常用来描述两个事物之间的关系,表示它们之间有某种或者相互影响。

2. 读音:[əˈsoʊʃieɪtɪd wɪθ]。

3. 词组近义词:

(1) connected with:与...有关联的;

(2) related to:与...相关联的;

(3) linked to:和...有的;

(4) associated to:与...有关联的;

(5) in relation to:在某种关系上。


associatedwith的音标为[əˈsoʊʃieɪtɪd wɪθ]。其中,“ə”发音为短元音,“soʊ”发音为长元音,“ʃ”发音为清辅音,“ieɪ”发音为长元音,“t”发音为清辅音,“w”发音为半元音,“ɪθ”发音为短元音。


1. 作为动词时,associatedwith通常用来表示两个事物之间存在某种或者影响。:

- This disease is often associated with poor diet and lack of exercise.(这种疾病常常与饮食不良和缺乏运动有关。)

- The company is associated with several charities.(这家公司与几个慈善有。)

2. 作为形容词时,associatedwith通常用来描述某个事物的属性或者特征。:

- The study found that obesity is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.(研究肥胖与心脏病的风险增加有关。)

- She is associated with the fashion industry.(她与时尚界有关联。)


1. This chemical is often associated with environmental pollution.(这种化学物质常常与环境污染有关。)

2. The new policy is closely associatedwith economic growth.(新与经济增长密切相关。)

3. The artist's name will forever be associated with this masterpiece.(这位艺术家的名字将永远与这件杰作相。)

4. The health problem is often associated with poor lifestyle choices.(健康问题通常与生活方式选择不当有关。)

5. In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is often associatedwith power and good luck.(在传统文化中,龙通常与权力和好运相。)


1. connected to:表示两个事物之间存在某种或者关联。:

- The two events are closely connected to each other.(这两件事情之间关系密切。)

- The company is connected to several major suppliers.(这家公司与几家主要供应商有。)

2. related with:表示某个事物与另一个事物有某种关系或。:

- This disease is often related with genetic factors.(这种疾病常与遗传因素有关。)

- The company is related with the recent scandal.(这家公司与最近的丑闻有关。)

3. linked to:表示某个事物与另一个事物之间存在某种或者影响。:

- Smoking is closely linked to lung cancer.(吸烟与肺癌密切相关。)

- The rise in unemployment is linked to the economic recession.(失业率的上升与经济衰退有关联。)

4. associatedto:表示两个事物之间存在某种或者影响,通常用于科学、技术等领域。:

- This gene has been associated to an increased risk of heart disease.(这个基因已经被与心脏病风险增加有关联。)

- The new discovery is associated to a breakthrough in cancer treatment.(这项新与癌症治疗的突破相关联。)

5. in relationto:表示在某种关系上,通常用于描述两个事物之间的。:

- The new policy is in relation to the recent economic situation.(新与最近的经济形势有关。)

- This book is in relation to the author's personal experience.(这本书与作者的个人经历相关。)


通过以上内容可以看出,associatedwith是一个常用的复合词,它的意思是“与...相关联”、“与...有关联”、“和...有”。它可以作为动词或者形容词使用,通常用来描述两个事物之间存在某种或者影响。同时,它还有一些近义词,如connected to、related with、linked to等,它们也都具有类似的意思,但在使用时略有区别。因此,在写作中需要根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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