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1. 应用程序或软件:指计算机程序或手机应用软件。

2. 申请或请求:指向某个组织、或个人提出申请或请求。

3. 使用或运用:指利用某种方法或手段来实现某个目的。

4. 应用、运用或使用的领域:指某种技术、知识、理论等在特定领域中的应用。

5. 勤奋、努力或专注:指做事认真投入,尽力完成任务。


英 [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]


1. application form: 申请表格

2. job application: 求职申请

3. college application: 大学申请

4. software application: 软件应用程序

5. practical application: 实际应用




1. 应用程序或软件方面的用法:

- You can download this application from the App Store.

(你可以从App Store下载这个应用程序。)

- This software application is designed for photo editing.


2. 申请或请求方面的用法:

- I submitted my application for the job last week.


- The company is now accepting applications for the internship program.


3. 使用或运用方面的用法:

- She has a great ability to apply her knowledge in real-life situations.


- We need to find an effective way to apply this new technology.


4. 应用、运用或使用的领域方面的用法:

- The application of artificial intelligence has greatly improved our daily lives.


- The theory of relativity has many practical applications in physics.


5. 勤奋、努力或专注方面的用法:

- He showed great application in his studies and achieved excellent grades.


- Her hard work and dedication are a great example for others to follow.



1. The application deadline for the scholarship is next Monday.


2. In order to apply for a visa, you need to fill out this application form.


3. She has a lot of practical applications of her research in the medical field.


4. The company received over 100 applications for the job opening.


5. His strong work ethic and application to his job have been recognized by his colleagues.



1. request:指向某个人或组织提出要求或请求。

- I have a special request for my birthday dinner.


2. utilization:指利用某种资源或方法来达到特定目的。

- The efficient utilization of resources is crucial for the success of any project.


3. employment:指雇佣或使用某人来做工作。

- The company is currently seeking employment opportunities in the international market.


4. diligence:指勤奋、认真或专注。

- His diligence and hard work have paid off with a promotion.


5. exertion:指付出努力来完成某项任务。

- She put a lot of exertion into organizing the charity event.





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