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1. alienation的意思是“疏远,隔离”,指个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔阂和脱离感。


2. 读音:[ˌeɪliəˈneɪʃn]

3. 词组近义词:estrangement, isolation, detachment, disconnection, separation




1. alienation作为名词,可表示个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔阂和脱离感。

- The alienation between the two brothers has grown over the years.


- She felt a sense of alienation from her classmates because of her different cultural background.


2. alienation也可以表示“转让,剥夺”。

- The company's policy led to the alienation of many employees who were not satisfied with their working conditions.


- The government's land acquisition plan caused the alienation of many farmers from their land.



1. The alienation between the two brothers has grown over the years.


2. She felt a sense of alienation from her classmates because of her different cultural background.


3. The company's policy led to the alienation of many employees who were not satisfied with their working conditions.


4. The government's land acquisition plan caused the alienation of many farmers from their land.


5. The novel explores themes of isolation and alienation in modern society.



1. estrangement:指个人与周围环境或社会之间因为某种原因而产生的隔阂和疏远感。

- The estrangement between the two friends was caused by a misunderstanding.


- The estrangement from his family made him feel lonely and isolated.


2. isolation:指个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔离和脱离感,强调个人处于孤立的状态。

- The prisoner's isolation from the outside world for years had a great impact on his mental health.


- The pandemic has caused a sense of isolation and loneliness for many people.


3. detachment:指个人对周围环境或社会保持一种超然、冷漠的态度,也可以表示个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔阂。

- His detachment from society made it difficult for him to form close relationships with others.


- The detachment between the two colleagues was evident in their lack of communication.


4. disconnection:指断开、分离或断绝。

- The disconnection between the two countries led to a breakdown in diplomatic relations.


- The disconnection from her family made her feel lost and alone.


5. separation:指个人与周围环境或社会之间的分离和脱离,也可以表示两者之间的隔阂。

- The separation from his family for work made him feel homesick.


- The separation between the two friends was caused by a disagreement.



alienation一词在不同语境下有不同的含义,主要指个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔阂和脱离感,也可以表示转让或剥夺。其近义词包括estrangement, isolation, detachment, disconnection和separation,它们都强调个人与周围环境或社会之间的隔阂和脱离,但在具体用法上有所区别。使用时需根据具体语境选择合适的词汇,以准确表达所要表达的意思。


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