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1. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.

1. 空气,大气


2. 大气层,空间

3. 气息,呼吸

4. 空中,天空

1. The air is polluted in big cities.


2. The plane flew through the air.


3. He gasped for air after running for a long time.


4. I love to take a walk in the fresh air.


5. The balloon floated up into the air.



atmosphere, oxygen, breath, breeze, wind

Air is a common noun that refers to the invisible gaseous substance that surrounds the earth and is essential for life. It is composed mainly of oxygen and nitrogen, with small amounts of other gases such as carbon dioxide and argon.

The word "air" can also refer to the atmosphere or space above the earth's surface, as well as the breath or respiration of living beings. In addition, it can describe a feeling or quality in a space or situation.

In everyday language, "air" is often used to describe the quality of something or someone's demeanor or attitude. For example, someone may have an "air of confidence" or "air of mystery."

Air can also be used as a verb meaning to expose something to air or ventilate it.

Overall, "air" has a wide range of meanings and uses in both literal and figurative contexts. It is a fundamental element of our environment and essential for life. Its importance is reflected in the many idiomatic expressions and phrases that use the word "air," such as "clear the air" or "up in the air."

As an editor and translator for a dictionary, it is important to accurately define and explain the word "air" in order to help readers understand its various meanings and uses. Additionally, it is important to provide clear examples that demonstrate how the word can be used in different contexts.

In conclusion, "air" is a versatile and essential word that has multiple meanings and uses. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet. As language continues to evolve, it is likely that new meanings and uses of "air" will emerge, making it an ever-evolving term to define.


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