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1. 名词:agon通常用作可数名词,表示一种内心挣扎、痛苦或抉择。:


- He was in an agon of indecision, unable to choose between his two passions.


- The family was in an agon of grief after the sudden death of their youngest son.


2. 动词:agon也可以用作不及物动词,表示经历或经受痛苦、困难或挑战。:

- She has been agoning over whether or not to quit her job.


- The team is agoning through a tough season, but they refuse to give up.



1. She was in an agon of guilt after betraying her best friend.


2. The athlete pushed himself to the limit, agoning through the last few meters of the race.


3. The writer was in an agon of writer's block and couldn't seem to find any inspiration.


4. The family agoned over their financial struggles, unsure of how they would make ends meet.


5. He watched his team agoning on the field, determined to win the championship.



1. struggle:意为“挣扎;努力”。与agon类似,它也可以表示内心的痛苦或困难的抉择。:

- She is struggling with her decision to move to a different country.


- The company is struggling to stay afloat in the competitive market.


2. torment:意为“折磨;痛苦”。与agon相比,torment更强调上的痛苦和折磨。:

- The guilt tormented him for years after he cheated on his wife.


- The children were tormented by nightmares after watching a scary movie.


3. anguish:意为“极度痛苦;剧烈的心理折磨”。与agon相比,anguish更强调内心深处的极度痛苦和折磨。:

- The mother's heart was filled with anguish when her child went missing.


- He cried out in anguish as he watched his dreams crumble before his eyes.





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