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1. 意思:agitation是一个名词,指的是情绪或思想的不安定状态,也可以指或社会上的骚动和动荡。

2. 读音:[ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃn] (英式)/ [ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən] (美式)


3. 词组近义词:

- unrest:指社会或上的不安定状态。

- turmoil:指混乱、骚动和动荡。

- commotion:指突然发生的大规模骚动。

- disturbance:指打扰、干扰或破坏平静。

- disquiet:指内心的不安和焦虑。


agitation的音标为[ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃn] (英式)/ [ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən] (美式)。其中,字母“a”发音为/æ/,字母“g”发音为/dʒ/,字母“i”发音为/ɪ/,字母“t”发音为/t/,字母“a”发音为/eɪ/,字母“t”发音为/t/,字母“i”发音为/ʃ/,字母“o”发音为/n/。


1. 作为名词,agitation可以指情绪或思想的不安定状态,也可以指或社会上的骚动和动荡。:

- The political agitation in the country has caused chaos and instability.


- She was in a state of agitation after hearing the news.


2. 作为动词,agitate则表示“使不安”、“煽动”、“搅拌”。:

- The politician's speech agitated the crowd and caused them to protest.


- Agitate the mixture for 5 minutes before adding it to the saucepan.



1. The constant agitation of her thoughts kept her from falling asleep.


2. The country was in a state of political agitation, with protests and demonstrations happening daily.


3. The agitator tried to stir up trouble by spreading false rumors about the government.


4. The washing machine agitates the clothes to remove dirt and stains.


5. The constant agitation of the water created a feeling of unease in the boat.



1. unrest:指社会或上的不安定状态,通常指由于某种原因而引起的不满和。:

- The country is experiencing widespread unrest due to economic inequality.


- The workers' union is planning to stage a protest against the government's policies, citing growing unrest among its members.


2. turmoil:指混乱、骚动和动荡,通常指在某种情况下发生的大规模混乱或骚动。:

- The country was thrown into turmoil after the sudden death of its leader.


- The stock market was in turmoil after news of the company's bankruptcy broke out.


3. commotion:指突然发生的大规模骚动,通常指某个地方或场所的喧闹和混乱。:

- The commotion in the street was caused by a group of protesters marching towards the government building.


- The teacher asked the students to s making so much commotion in the classroom.


4. disturbance:指打扰、干扰或破坏平静,通常指某种因素影响到平静或安宁的状态。:

- The loud noise from the construction site was causing a disturbance to the neighborhood.


- She didn't want any disturbance while she was studying for her exams.


5. disquiet:指内心的不安和焦虑,通常指由于某种原因而引起的上的不安定。:

- His constant disquiet about his future made it difficult for him to focus on his studies.


- The disquiet in the city was palpable as people prepared for the impending storm.





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