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1. addition作为名词时,通常用来表示将两个或多个事物合并在一起成为一个整体。:

- The addition of chocolate chips makes the cookies taste better.


- The addition of a new member to our team has brought fresh ideas.


2. addition还可以指添加的东西或补充部分。:

- The teacher asked the students to do the math problems and then check their answers in the addition at the back of the textbook.


- In addition to the main course, we also ordered some appetizers.


3. 除了作为名词外,addition还可以作为动词使用,意为“添加、增加”。:

- I will addition some spices to make the dish more flavorful.



1. The addition of a new wing to the hospital will provide more beds for patients.(医院新增的一座楼将为患者提供更多的床位。)

2. In addition to his regular job, he also does some freelance work on weekends.(除了他的正式工作,他周末还做一些自由职业工作。)

3. We need to make some additions to the contract in order to protect our interests.(为了保护我们的利益,我们需要在合同上做一些增加条款。)

4. The teacher asked the students to do the math problems and then check their answers in the addition at the back of the textbook.(老师要求学生们先做数学题,然后在教科书后面的补充部分检查答案。)

5. In addition, we also offer free shipping for orders over $50.(此外,我们还提供订单满50美元免费送货服务。)


1. supplement:作为动词时,意为“补充、增补”。作为名词时,意为“补充物、增补部分”。:

- The company supplements its income by selling merchandise online.


- The supplement to the report contains more detailed information.


2. extension:作为动词时,意为“延伸、扩大”。作为名词时,意为“延长、扩展”。:

- The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks.


- We need to apply for an extension of our visa before it expires.


3. increase:作为动词时,意为“增加、提高”。作为名词时,意为“增加、增长”。:

- We need to increase our efforts in order to meet the deadline.


- There has been a significant increase in the number of international students in recent years.


4. appendix:作为名词时,意为“附录、附属物”。:

- Please refer to the appendix for more detailed information.


5. extra:作为形容词时,意为“额外的、附加的”。作为名词时,意为“额外的事物、附加费用”。:

- We need to pay extra for express shipping.


- I brought some extra snacks in case we get hungry on the road.





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