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读音:英 [ək'nɒlɪdʒmənt] 美 [ək'nɑlɪdʒmənt]


1. recognition:指对某人或某事物的承认和赞赏。

2. appreciation:指对某人或某事物的欣赏和感激。

3. gratitude:指对某人所做之事的感激和谢意。

4. acknowledgment of receipt:收到回复/收到确认。

5. acceptance:接受、采纳。


acknowledgement 的读音是 [ək'nɒlɪdʒmənt] 或者 [ək'nɑlɪdʒmənt]。其中重音在第二个音节上。


1. 作为名词时,acknowledgement常用于正式场合或文学作品中,表示对某事物或某人的认可、感谢或承认。

- The company sent an acknowledgement of receipt for the payment.


- The author's latest book has received widespread acknowledgement from critics.


2. 作为动词时,acknowledgement通常用于商务信函或公开声明中,表示承认、感谢或认可某事物。

- We would like to acknowledge the contribution of our sponsors.


- The company acknowledged the mistake and promised to make it right.



1. The acknowledgement of his hard work was long overdue. (对他辛勤工作的肯定早就应该发生了。)

2. She wrote a letter of acknowledgement to thank her supporters. (她写了一封感谢信来表达对支持者的感激之情。)

3. The company issued an official acknowledgement of the safety concerns raised by customers. (公司发布了声明,承认顾客提出的安全问题。)

4. He received an acknowledgement from the university for his academic achievements. (他收到了大学对他学术成就的认可。)

5. We would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our employees. (我们想要感谢员工们的辛勤工作和奉献。)


1. recognition:指对某人或某事物的承认和赞赏,强调的是对其价值和重要性的认可。

- The company received international recognition for its innovative products.


- His hard work finally received the recognition it deserved.


2. appreciation:指对某人或某事物的欣赏和感激,强调的是对其贡献和价值的感激。

- We would like to express our appreciation for your support.


- The artist's work is gaining more and more appreciation from art lovers.


3. gratitude:指对某人所做之事的感激和谢意,强调的是由衷地感谢。

- I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me along the way.


- Her gratitude towards her parents knows no bounds.


4. acknowledgment of receipt:收到回复/收到确认,指在商务信函中用于确认收到某件事物。

- Please send us an acknowledgment of receipt for the payment.


- The company will issue an acknowledgment of receipt for all applications received.


5. acceptance:接受、采纳,指对某事物的认可或同意。

- The new policy has gained widespread acceptance among employees.


- The company's acceptance of the proposal was a major victory for the team.





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