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1. keep abreast of:跟上最新情况,保持同步

2. abreast with:和某人保持

3. stay abreast of:紧跟时代潮流




1. 作为副词使用时,abreast通常修饰动词,表示“并排地、齐头并进地”。

- We walked abreast along the beach, enjoying the beautiful sunset.


- The two ships sailed abreast, side by side.


2. 作为形容词使用时,abreast可以修饰名词或者名词短语,并表示“与…平行、相邻”。

- The soldiers marched abreast, with their guns at the ready.


- The two buildings stood abreast, creating a beautiful city skyline.



1. She walked abreast with her sister, holding hands and chatting happily.


2. The two cyclists rode abreast on the narrow road, making it difficult for cars to pass by.


3. It's important to keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry if you want to succeed.


4. The two friends promised to stay abreast of each other's lives even after they went to different universities.


5. The two teams were neck and neck throughout the race, running abreast until the finish line.



1. alongside:表示“在旁边、与…并排”,与abreast的意思相近,但更强调位置的相邻。

- The two friends walked alongside each other, enjoying the beautiful scenery.


- The two countries have been working alongside each other to promote economic cooperation.


2. abreast of:表示“跟上最新情况、了解最新信息”,与keep abreast of的意思相同。

- It's important to stay abreast of the latest fashion trends if you want to work in the fashion industry.


- The company always keeps abreast of the latest technology to stay competitive in the market.


3. side by side:表示“肩并肩、齐头并进”,与abreast的意思类似,但更强调团结合作。

- The two sisters stood side by side, supporting each other through thick and thin.


- Our two companies have worked side by side for many years, and we have achieved great success together.



abreast是一个常用的英语单词,意为“并排地、与…平行、跟上最新情况”,常用于形容两个或多个人或物体在同一条线上平行移动的状态。它可以作为副词修饰动词,也可以作为形容词修饰名词。其常见的词组有keep abreast of、abreast with和stay abreast of等。同义词包括alongside、abreast of和side by side等。使用时需要注意区分不同的含义,并根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。


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