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酒店总机常用英语及技巧一、 接听外线电话:01、 电话铃响三声接起,中英文清晰报出酒店名称:您好,昆明电信国际技术交流中心!Good morning , 02、 转接时,对来电方:请稍等!Hold on ,please !03、 电话占线时:对不起,电话占线,请您稍后再拨。Sorry , the line is busy .please call back later!04、 转入电话无人接时:电话没人接,您是否需要留言?There's no answer , Would you like to leave a message ?05、转入客房电话:A、 请问您找那位?Who would you like to speak to ?B、 对不起,没有这个姓名的客人。Sorry , there's no guest with that name C、 您能告诉我他是住客还是访客?Excuse me for asking but is he a visitor or a hotel guest?05、 内容没听清或不确定时:A、 请您再说一遍好吗?Would you like to repeat the number ?B、 请您大声一点好吗:Could you speak a little louder , please C、 请说慢一点!Could you speak slowly ,please?07、对方拨错号码:恐怕您拨错了号码,这里是XXX酒店总机。I'm afraid you dial the wrong number . here is xx hotel operator;08、 外线来电详细问询时:我将帮您把电话转到问讯处;I'll put you through to the information desk 09、 来电方需要留言:A、 请告诉我您的留言内容;Could you please give me the message , sir / madam?B、 请放心,我一定将您的意思转达给X先生/小姐,谢谢您的来电,再见!Thank you for calling , I 'll relay the message to Mr./Mrs.二、酒店住店客人的叫醒受理:01、 能告诉我您的姓名和房号吗?May I have your name and your room number , please?02、 您需要什么时间的叫醒?Could you tell me what time would you like to get up ?03、 我重复一遍您的房号和叫醒时间,好吗?May I repeat your room number and the time , sir / madam ?04、 早上好(中午、晚上好),先生/女士,这是您的叫醒电话,祝您过得愉快! Good morning (afternoon , evening ), sir / madam ! this is your wake-up call ,Have a good day to you (have a nice day )!三、接酒店营业区,后台区,办公室电话:OPERATOR,您好,总机!四、住客电话询问:01、 内线电话免费。There is no charge for in -house call02、 您能直拨电话。You can make a dial-direct call03、 我们酒店设有国际直拨和国内直拨电话系统,如果您要拨打国际直拨电话,请您拨XXX,如果您要拨国内直拨电话,请拨XXX,如果您还有其它需要帮忙的,请打电话给我们,我们会尽力而为;We have got DDD and IDD system in our hotel , if you want to make a DDD, you can dial xxx , and if you want to make a IDD , you can dial XXX .if you have anything else, you can call us again , we will help you , sir / madam 04、 我会立刻为您查找,然后打电话给您;I 'll check immediately and call you back in a moment 05、 请稍等一会儿好吗?我马上为您查找;Would you mind waiting a minute , I'll check it for you right now 五、代客人接国际,国内长途;01、 您能告诉我您要拨打的电话是自付电话,受付电话或是信用卡付费电话吗?Could you please tell me the form of payment , is it a pay call , collect call or credit card call , sir / madam ?02、 请问这是自己付费还是对方付费电话?Is this a paid call or collect call?03、 您能告诉我电话的国家代码,地区代码和电话号码吗?Could you please tell me country code , the area code and telephone number, sir /madam?04、 您能告诉我您要打的是叫人电话还是叫号电话吗?Could you please tell me what kind call would like : a person to person or station to station call , sir/madam? 05、 您能告诉我对方的电话吗?Could you please tell me who are you want to speak ?06、 能告诉我您的名字是怎么拼的吗?Could you please spell your name ?



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