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get rid of 摆脱120. get tired of 对……感到厌倦121. get to 到达 get together 相聚; 联欢122. get up 起床123. give back 归还;送回124. give out 分发125. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力126. give up 放弃127. go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧 go away 走开;离去128. go shopping / bowling 去购物 / 打保龄球129. go for a swim 去游泳 go for a walk 散步130. go home 回家131. go in for 参加;从事于;酷爱132. go on 继续133. go on a diet 实行节食134. go on a picnic 去野餐135. go on with / doing sth. 继续做某事136. go out 熄灭137. go over 复习;仔细地再读一遍138. go sightseeing 去观光139. go to (the) hospital 去医院(看病)140. go to bed 就寝141. go to college 上大学142. go to school 上学143. go to sleep 入睡144. go to the cinema / movie(s) 去看电影145. go up 走上前去 146. go wrong 出错147. grow up 成年;长大148. had better 最好还是;还是……好149. hand in 上交 hand out 分发150. happen to do 碰巧做151. happen to sb. 发生到某人身上have fun with玩得高兴have fun doing…玩得高兴152. have (got) to 不得不153. have a class / lesson 上课154. have a good time 玩得很愉快;过得很愉快155. have breakfast 吃早餐156. have no idea 不清楚157. have pity on sb. 怜悯某人158. have sports 进行体育活动159. hear from 收到……来信请采纳谢谢



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