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Travel Plan to BeijingI am planning a trip to Beijing, which is the capital city of China. It is a city with a rich history and culture, and I am excited to explore all that it has to the first day of my trip, I plan to visit the famous Tiananmen Square. It is the largest public square in the world and is home to many historic buildings and monuments. Afterward, I will head to the Forbidden City, which was once the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing the second day, I will visit the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is an iconic symbol of China. I am excited to climb the wall and take in the stunning the third day, I will visit the Temple of Heaven. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most important imperial temples in China. Afterward, I will explore the Hutongs, which are narrow alleyways lined with traditional courtyard the fourth day, I plan to visit the Summer Palace, which is a beautiful imperial garden. It features many pavilions, temples, and bridges, as well as a large the evenings, I will explore the local cuisine and try some of the famous Beijing dishes, such as Peking Duck and , I am excited to explore all that Beijing has to offer and learn more about the history and culture of this amazing city.



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