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问路是日常生活中经常要遇到的事,当某人不明白如何到达某地的时候,并且遇到愿意回答的人时,就会出现问路的情况。我精心收集了关于问路的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于问路的英语对话1 苏珊: Excuse me! I am new to the campus. Do you know where the student cafeteria is? 打扰了.我是新生.请问你知道学校自助餐厅在哪里吗? 凯西: Sure! Do you have a map? 当然!你有地图吗? 苏珊: Yes, here it is. 有.地图在这儿. 凯西: Let`s see--Here`s where we are right now. To get to the cafeteria, you`ll need to cross this square and go to the south. 我看看-- 我们现在的位置在这儿.要到自助餐厅的话.你得穿过这个广场然后向南走. 苏珊: OK 好的. 凯西: And then the cafeteria is about five hundred yards past the gym, on your left. You`ll see a sign in front of the building. 自助餐厅是在过了体育馆大概500码处.就在你左边.你会在建筑物前看到标志. 苏珊: No wonder I got lost. I was heading in the wrong direction! Anyway, thanks a lot for your help. 难怪我会迷路.我走错方向了.无论如何.非常感谢你的帮忙. 凯西: No problem. Good luck! 不客气.祝你好运. 关于问路的英语对话2 Alice: Excuse me! 打扰一下。 Frank: Yes ,what can I do for you? 有什么可以帮你的? Alice: I am a new er here,can you tell me how to get to the reception desk? 我是新来的学生,你能告诉我怎样到达学校的接待处吗? Frank: No 'll lead you there. 没问题,我带你去吧。 Alice: Oh,thanks a lot! I almost get lost. 哦,真是太感谢了。我都快迷路了。 Frank: You are wele. 不客气。 关于问路的英语对话3 A : Excuse me , sir . Is there a barber near here ? n.理发师 vi.当理发师 vt.给…理发;修剪 B : Yes , the nearest one is at the third cross of this road. A : I’m a stranger here . How can I get there , please ? B : Just walk down the road for a few minutes , and you’ll find it on your right . A : Thank you very much .



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