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价值观用英语是sense of worth。解释:sense of worth 英[sens ɔv wə:θ] 美[sɛns ʌv wɚθ] [词典] 价值观; [例句]It takes time, effort, and awareness to allow a sense of worth to deepen.这需要时间、努力和意识来让这种价值感深入内心。When you become involved with the things that are important to you, your sense ofworth increases. 当你从事那些对你来说重要的活动,你的价值感就会增加。The elderly should enjoy the sense of worth which is their right. 年长者应该享有个人价值感,这是他们的权利。Since strengthening your sense of worth takes motivation and action, you have tohave to want and choose this as your goal before you can improve it. 因为加深价值感需要动力和行为,首先,你必须要有渴望并去选择它作为你的目标。



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