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全国大学英语教学改革提出要 提高学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力 后,大家对英语口语能力的重视达到了前所未有的程度。我整理了关于在银行的英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于在银行的英语对话一   a:is there anyting i can do for you?   b:i want to open a current account.   a:please fill in this application form.   b:a moment laterhere is the filled out application everything all right?   a:yes,quite all show me your id card.   b:here it is.   a:by the way, you will have to make a deposit when you open an account.   b: is 100 rmb yuan.   a:well, everything is is your deposit book.   b:thanks a lot.   a:我能为你做点儿什么吗?   关于在银行的英语对话二   a:can i help you?   b: want to withdraw some money from my peony card.   a:please fill out a withdrawal red one.   b:all right.   a:will you give me your card with the slip?   b: they are.   a:how much do you want?   b:400 rmb yuan.   a:please show me your id card and enter your secret code.   b:okay.   关于在银行的英语对话三   A:good morning. How can I help you?   早上好,有什么能帮忙的吗?   B:I'd like to open a new account.   我想开个新账户。   A:have you filled out an application form?   您填好申请表了吗?   B:yes. And I've brought some documents along with me, too. Do you need to see my passport?   填好了。而且,我也带了相关的档案。你要看我的护照吗?   A:yes. I'll just have my assistant look over these quickly and then we'll move on to the next step. Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account?   好的。我让我的助理迅速浏览一遍这些档案,然后我们就可以进行下一步了。您是想要开一个活期账户和一个定期储蓄账户吗?   B:yes. Does the checking account e with a debit card?   没错。活期账户是不是会附带一个借记卡?   A:yes. Actually, both accounts e with cards that you can use in ATM machines, so that you won't have to e in to the bank to make a transaction.   对。实际上两个账户都有可以供您在自动取款机上使用的卡。这样您就不用到银行柜台来办理转账业务了。   B:that's very convenient.   这样很方便。   A:it is. Our customers really like it. Do you have any other questions about your new accounts?   的确是。我们的客户都很喜欢这个服务。关于新账户您还有其它问题吗?   B:yes. What's the maximum amount that you are allowed to have in an overdraft?   有。这个账户一次性透支额度的上限是多少?   A:the maximum is $1000.   最大额度是1000美元。   B:is there a penalty for having an overdraft?   超过这个额度有罚金吗?   A:yes, but it's not much. You just have to pay 1% interest on the ammount. It's much lower rate than any of our loans and it's much better than owing money to most credit cards.   有,但是不太多。您需要支付总额的1%的利息。这比我们任何的一种贷款业务都要低得多,而且比大多数信用卡透支都要便宜。   B:that's true. Is everything alright with my documents?   您说的没错。我的档案处理好了吗?   A:they're all in order. If you just sign your name here, you'll receive your cards and pin numbers in the mail in about three weeks.   都弄好了。只要您在这里签个名,三周左右就可以收到邮寄给您的卡和密码了。   B:thank you very much.   非常感谢。   A:you're wele.   不用客气。



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