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问题一:“望远镜”用英语怎么说?. telescope 问题二:“望远镜”用英文怎么说 “望远镜” Telescope+ “望远镜” Telescope 问题三:望远镜用英语怎么写? telescope 问题四:“望远镜”的英语是什么? telescope指的是单筒望远镜,如Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃天文望远镜。 英文解释: arrangement of lenses or mirrors or both that gathers visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects. binoculars指的是双筒望远镜 英文解释: optical device, such as a pair of field glasses or opera glasses, designed for simultaneous use by both eyes and consisting of two *** all telescopes joined with a single focusing device. Often used in the plural. 问题五:望远镜的英文 telescope ['telisk??up] 基本翻译 n. 望远镜 v. 缩短,压缩 网络释义 Telescope:望远镜|单筒望远镜|望眼镜 telescope arm:望远镜 top telescope:顶位望远镜|顶副镜,矿山经纬图 问题六:鲍沃斯望远镜用英语怎么说 鲍沃斯望远镜 [词典] Bouwers telescope; 英 [?telisk?up] 美 [?t?l??skop] n. 望远镜; vt.& vi. (使某物)变短(叠缩在一起); (使某物)叠缩,嵌入; vt. 压缩某物使其少占空间或时间;



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