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第一单元 Page4/20 Page6 2001 2005-2006 eight and a half five and a half Page10 1.(6)2.(4)3.(5)4.(2)5.(3)6.(1) Page11 want to shoot some pictures of students in the classroom. are your hopes for the future? you want to land on the moon? Page14 the American system aid and rules about employment language requirements information and advice Page15 the most current information much will it all cost is Important Page18 第二单元 Page4 2657134 Page6 1) 5: 2) 6:00am 3)6:40am 4)7:00 o’clock 5)8:00 o’clock 6)5:00 o’clock 7)6:30 8)8:00 9)10:00 o’clock 10)1:00 or 2:00 11)5:00 am Page10 post office ; a bookstore ; Safety ; ; triple ’s libraries Page11 ` are many different types of residential environments from which to choose. ’s libraries contain over million volumes on campus. may also choose to have Hofstra host their website. Page14 ; hard rock ; news ; national ; international ; ; advertisers student government school administration Page15 T F F Page16 location : Saint Louis,Missouri Population : 11,000 students Schools : law,medicine,social work, business,design and visual arts,engineering and applied science. 1.....52,000 dollars. 2.....27,000 dollars . ... 38,000 dollars. 1....Eliot Seminary 2....Washington University 3....Washington University in Saint Louis Page18 第三单元 Page4 a really excellent job ; you really think so ; really like the changes you’ve made like what you are doing really appreciate the way Page6 1).a travel agency 2).take people on tours 3)even go out of the country;5).I love my job ; 6).in a hospital ;7).nurse ; 8).brain surgeon ; 9).a dozen operations 10).Not bad. Page9 Step1 : Learn a success system. Step2 : Keep it simple. Step3: Reduce the goal. Step4 : Rule of 20. Step5 : Post it. Step6 : Visualize. Step7 : Act as if... Step8 : Law of effort. Step9 :Law of consistency. Step10 : Repeat all the steps. Page10 T F T T F Page11 the end,none of this will happen. truth is that success is not a secret. your goals gives you something tangible. Page14 1,对2.对4。对6对8对 Page15 acquired this belief in the accessibility of the improbable; normal people who did something extraordinary. Page18 第四单元 Page4 ,unnatural; like Page5 abroad on campus english for CET 4 and 6; economy; entrance exam; games; Page6 tom: Jenny : United States Page7 ; ; Page10 ; ; Americans; . Page11 set out to solve a major problem. provided three small ships. died as a disappointed man. Page14 African; Peace Prize opportunity have a dream. Page15 aimed at ; about ; Party presidential candidate. Page17 F F T F F Page18 左 invented the Pennsylvania Gazette. 左 started the Franklin ﹠ Marshall College. 上.he started the American Revolution. 下.he invented the medical catheter. 右 started the University of Pennsylvania. 右 invented the glass harmonica and of course the bifocals. Page19 Page21 1)cope ; 2)tale ; 3)angels ;4)fantasy ; 5)reality ;6)darkness ;7)tal



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