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为节省时间成本,当下许多用人单位在招聘时选择视频面试(video interview) 。面对摄像头,你会手足无措吗?来看看人力资源专家们给出的建议吧!   Video interviews are becoming increasingly commonplace. As hiring has become more global, both for employers and candidates, video interviewing is a way to expedite the interview process.   视频面试已日益普遍。随着人才招聘的全球化趋势,对于雇主和面试者双方而言,视频面试都是一个提高面试效率的好方法。   “Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly, save on transportation costs, and make the process much faster by using video conferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews,” said Chen Changqing, HR director at Lego Co Ltd in Shanghai.   “用视频会议取代现场面试,人事经理和招聘人员就能更快地安排首轮面试,这样一来既能节省交通成本,同时也加快整个面试程序。”上海乐高有限公司人力资源总监陈长青(音译)说。   Companies hiring at all levels, from entry-level staff to experienced professionals, are comfortable using new technology. Video interviewing is now nearly a standard step in online recruitment.   公司各个级别的招聘——从初级员工到资深专业人员,都很喜欢采用这种新科技手段。如今,视频面试几乎已经成为网络招聘的标准步骤之一。   For job seekers, however, the experience can be a bit intimidating. “It’s hard enough doing face-to-face interviews, let alone sitting in front of a camera and microphone,” said Tang Yilei, 22, a senior majoring in law at Fudan University.   但对于求职者来说,这种做法可能有些令人生畏。“一对一的面试就够难的了,更何况是坐在摄像头和话筒前。”复旦大学法学系大四学生,22岁的唐一磊(音译)说。   “It’s a scary proposition, even for those of us who are familiar with online video chatting. One time I was so nervous that I didn’t know where to put my hands.”   “这种面试新方法令人提心吊胆,即便是那些平时上网视频聊天的人也有同感。有一次我紧张得都不知道手该放在哪儿。”   So, how should you behave during a video interview? Chen said that candidates should prepare for their video interview just like they would for any other job interview.   那么在视频面试时,你该如何表现呢?陈长青建议求职者应该像准备正常的工作面试一样,为视频面试做足准备。   Sometimes you may be interviewed in a professional environment, rather than through the webcam attached to your home computer. This could be either at a recruiter’s office, or with a company that provides video conferencing services.   有时,你可能会需要在专业化的环境里接受面试,并非在自己家里的电脑上接一个摄像头那么简单。你有可能在招聘人员的办公室,或是在一家支持视频会议的公司。   “You should arrive early so that you have time to make yourself comfortable. Ask for assistance if you’re not sure about how to use the equipment,” said Li Ling, an HR manager at Walmart (China) Investment Co Ltd in Shenzhen.   “你提早到达,以便有足够的时间让自己放松。如果自己不清楚如何使用相关设备,就向工作人员求助。”深圳市沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司人力资源经理李凌(音译)建议道。   “Even if you can figure it out, it’s better to ask for a quick overview.”   “即使你自己可以搞定,也去问一下简单的使用说明。”   It’s important that you dress as you would for an in-person interview. Zou Xiafei, 26, made a mistake when she applied for a sales position in a Beijing trade company in June. “For the video interview in Shenzhen I wore a suit jacket, a dress shirt, and a tie, presuming that only my top half would be visible,” she said.   切记:要像参加现场面试一样着装。去年6月,26岁的邹霞飞(音译)在应聘北京一家贸易公司的销售职位时就犯了一个错。“在深圳参加视频面试时,我穿了西装上衣和正装衬衫,还打了领带,我以为只能看到上半身,”她说。   “But when I stood up, the interviewer had a full view of the jeans I was wearing. I was really embarrassed.”   “但当我站起来时,面试官看到了我的牛仔裤。当时我尴尬极了。”   Besides tidying up your appearance, make sure your table is neat, too. Remember that a microphone picks up all the sounds in a room, so don’t tap your pen or shuffle papers.   除了要打理仪表之外,还要确保你的桌面干净整洁。要知道话筒可以接收屋内的所有声音,所以不要玩笔,也不要乱翻文件。   “It’s better to make eye contact with the webcam. If you just look at the screen, the camera will focus on the top of your head, which makes you look weird,” said Hao Jian, a senior human resource consultant at .   “与摄像头保持眼神交流。如果你只是盯着屏幕,摄像头就只能拍到你的头顶,这会让你看上去很怪异。”智联招聘网资深职业顾问郝健(音译)建议道。   According to Hao, everyone is nervous during a video interview. “Just remember to smile, answer the questions as best you can, and be your awesome self,” he said.   郝健表示,视频面试时人人都会紧张。他说:“只要记得面带微笑,尽可能地回答好问题,展示的自己就好了。”



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