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One of the best things we can do in our lives is this: Begin again。Begin to see yourself as you were When you were the happiest and strongest you’d ever been 生命中我们所能为的之事莫过于:重新开始。重新开始审视自己,犹如身处曾经有过的最幸福、坚强的时刻。 Begin to remember what worked for you (and what worked against you),And try to make things work again。Remember how natural it was when you were a child —To live a lifetime each day 开始记起那些曾经助益过你的一切(以及那些曾经牵绊过你的一切),并设法重获魅力。记得你小时候的天真——把每一天当作一生来度过。 Begin to forget about the troubles you have carried with you for years: The problems that don’t matter any more, The tears that cried themselves away. And the worries that are going to wash away. On the shore of tomorrow’s new beginnings 开始学着忘掉让你负重多年的烦恼:那些不再重要的问题,那些自然逝去的眼泪,那些即将在崭新的明天被冲刷去的焦虑。 Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives;And if we are wise, We will turn away from the problems of the past。And give the future —and ourselves —a chance,To become the best of friends,Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself Begin again。 明日告诉我们每一个明天都是生命的崭新日;倘若我们清醒明智,我们将会抛却过去的问题。给未来,也给我们自己一个机会,努力成为好朋友。有时所需的一切只是内心一个愿望,好让你自己重新开始。有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。



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