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问题一:做得好用英语怎么说? well done英[wel d?n] 美[w?l d?n] [释义]做得不错; [网络]全熟; 你干得非常好; 全熟是; [例句]They were still slightly bemused but at the end of the conversation they were like, ‘ well done ’. 他们仍略感困惑,但在谈话结束时,他们大多会对我说,‘做得不错’。 问题二:最好(做某事)用英语怎么说 最好(做某事) 常用的固定短语为: You'd better do sth, = You had better do sth. 例句: 1. You'd better finish it today. 你最好今天把它搞完。 2. You'd better stop this empty talk. 你这些空话还是收起为好。 had better在不同的语境中,因说话人语气不同,用法灵活多变。 1. had better 的基本用法特点 其意为“最好”、“应该”,后接动词原形,与情态动词should用法相似,其中的had通常缩略为'd: You'd better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿。 We had better go before it rains. 我们最好在下雨前就去。 2. had better 如何构成否定式和疑问式 构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前: I'd better not disturb him.我最好别去打扰他。 What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办? 【注】在否定疑问句或反意疑问句中可将not与had连用: Hadn't we better go now? 我们是不是现在就去呢? 3. had better 后接进行式和完成式动词 有时后接动词的进行式,表示最好马上做某事;也可接完成式动词,表示最好做完某事或本该做某事而未做某事: I think I'd better be going.我想我最好还是马上走。 You'd better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好马上把衣服准备好。 You had better have done that. 你最好把那事做完。 You had better have stayed here. 你本来应该呆在这儿的。 4. had better的几点用法说明 (1) had better 用于提出建议或请求时,并不是一个很客气委婉的表达,它暗示对方有义务去做某事,因此通常用于长辈对晚辈或上级对下级等,而不宜反过来用。 (2) had best与had better用法和含义均差不多,但不如had better普通: You had best get home before midnight.你最好在午夜之前回到家里。 We had best be going.我们最好现在就走。 (3) 有时可省略其中的had: You better stop arguing.你们最好不要争论了。 Better not wait for him. 最好不要等他了。 Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他们问你,你最好说“是”。 (4) 有时为了强调,可将better置于had之前: I promise I'll pay you back. You better had. “我保证还给你。”“你最好还给我。”...>> 问题三:说的好不如做的好.用英文怎么说 说的好不如做的好. 1) Better doing than saying. 2 Well done is better than well said. 问题四:做好自己,用英语怎么说 做好自己,_ 翻译结果: Be yourself, 问题五:最好不要那样做用英语怎么说? you' better not do that 问题六:做好自己就行,用英语怎么说 do myself is enough 问题七:“在某方面做的更好”用英语怎么说? 在某方面做的更好 Done in a better被认为应该、拿走、身份证、帮助别人、获得足够的锻炼、职业足球运动员、昨天夜里、开始上课、溜冰马拉松、一双溜冰鞋。Should be considered, taken, identity cards, to help others, receive adequate training, professional football player, last night, the beginning of class, ice-skating marathon, a pair of skates. 问题八:做的很好的英文怎么说 做的很好 Well done; [例句]你已经做的很好了!再加油! You have done your best! 问题九:“做好自己”用英文怎么说? 简单 点这里: 常 啊 要记主



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