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accompany英 [əˈkʌmpəni] 美 [əˈkʌmpəni, əˈkʌmpni]vt.陪伴,陪同; 附加,补充; 与…共存; 为…伴奏vi.伴奏陪伴;伴随;陪同;随行过去式: accompanied 过去分词: accompanied 现在分词: accompanying 第三人称单数: accompanies 双语例句1. This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne. 这本文集是为配合在科隆举办的一场展览而出的。2. Barron invited her to accompany him to the races. 巴伦邀请她陪他参加比赛。3. He took time out from campaigning to accompany his mother to dinner. 他从竞选活动中挤出一点时间陪母亲吃饭。4. I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb. 我炖了些豆子,和羊肘子一块吃。5. Government moni-tors will continue to accompany reporters. 政府监督员将继续陪同记者。



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