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past: [ pɑ:st ] a. 过去的ad. 过n. 过去prep. 过,经过例句与用法: 1. Our country has a glorious past. 我们的国家有一段光辉的历史。 2. His pain is past now. 他的痛苦现在已经过去。 3. We drove past the house. 我们开车经过那座房子。 4. They walked past without stopping 他们一步不停地走了过去。 5. He hurried past me without stopping. 他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。 6. I've been there many times in the past. 我从前去过那儿很多次。 7. The past month has been a difficult one for him. 上个月他很困难. 8. She walked past the shop. 她走过那家商店.



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