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Goethe said: "napoleon's never seen one of the most creative people... napoleon at the mercy of the world, just like the mercy HongMoEr piano... have answers, and families."Schopenhauer said: "Bonaparte is characterization of human will is the most beautiful."Hegel said: "napoleon was on horseback world soul."Carlisle said: "napoleon has a deeply ingrained sense of reality."M said: "the cause of napoleon's home and the organizers of genius, his life and willpower, his interest in honor and revolution had left him, for he use the unlimited power, is he become one of the most astonishing commander in chief and the greatest rulers."Metternich, said: "his personality is always made him tend to be positive."Stendhal, "said napoleon to prove to the world after centuries, Caesar and Alexander finally succeed somebody. And more than they"This clausewitz said: "napoleon's luck and make bold is commonly used in the past, people of all operational means worthless, many first-class power he strikes almost collapse."Engels said: "napoleon's great feat is that he had found on the tactical and strategic only the correct use of the method of the broad masses of armed... and the strategies and tactics that would improve the degree of development, so that modern generals can only trying to own the most glorious and most successful battle in copying him."Winston Churchill: "this no more than he is a great person in the world"Stalin: napoleon's lion, and Hitler just cat"



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