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我快要崩溃了I am about to collapse崩溃collapse collapse还有失败、衰弱的意思 spirit seemed broken. 看来他的精神崩溃了。 almost broke down. 他精神几乎崩溃。 3. He is verging on a breakdown. 他正濒临精神崩溃 。 was near the point of breakdown. 我已经到了精神崩溃的边缘了 problems made him crack up. 家庭问题弄得他精神崩溃了。 loss of his business just curled him up 生意亏损使他精神崩溃了。 the car accident, he seem to go to pieces. 撞车事故后, 他好像精神崩溃了。 went off the deep end after his wife left him 太太弃他而去之后,他就精神崩溃了



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