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unpredictable weather变幻无常的天气



您好,很高兴为您解答变化无常changeableconstantly changing在例句中比较网络释义汉语词典 chop and change fantasticality中高级口译成语精选 ... 变本加厉be further intensified 变化无常chop and change fantasticality 变化无常chop and change fantasticality ...基于1171个网页-相关网页 chop and change fickleness as changeable as the moon短语变化无常的性征 episodic sexuality变化无常的 inconstant ; flukey ; capricious ; Mercurial天气的变化无常 the frequent transition of weather 更多网络短语新汉英大辞典变化无常 [biàn huà wú cháng]constantly changing; changeable以上来源于:《新汉英大辞典》双语例句原声例句So even if, on average, the stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.所以即使平均而言,股票应该是不会,和开盘的时候有什么区别,有一些股票可能会,没什么变化,不是很反复无常。望采纳ACE英语,您身边的英语专家

The weather here is always changeable


the weather here always changes constantly.

单词:rainy多雨的 sunny晴朗的 windy有风的 moist潮湿的 humid潮湿的 foggy有雾霾的 cloudy多云的短语:sunny weather 阳光明媚的天气unsettled weather 变化无常的天气frosty weather 严寒的天气broken weather 阴晴不定的天气cold weather 寒冷的天气lazy weather 使人倦懒的天气severe weather 恶劣的天气foggy weather 雾茫茫的天气glorious weather 妙不可言的天气moist weather 微湿的天气

The weather here is always changing irregularly. 注意:用进行时态强调动作发生频率高。(出自:英语牛人团 一英语教师)

The weather is always changeable


fluctuating weather


ficklechangeful varied

翻译如下:变化无常根据语境changeable; fantasticality; constantly changing; chop and change都可以。例句:预报针对的是变化无常的天气。The forecast is for changeable weather.


您好,很高兴为您解答变化无常changeableconstantly changing在例句中比较网络释义汉语词典 chop and change fantasticality中高级口译成语精选 ... 变本加厉be further intensified 变化无常chop and change fantasticality 变化无常chop and change fantasticality ...基于1171个网页-相关网页 chop and change fickleness as changeable as the moon短语变化无常的性征 episodic sexuality变化无常的 inconstant ; flukey ; capricious ; Mercurial天气的变化无常 the frequent transition of weather 更多网络短语新汉英大辞典变化无常 [biàn huà wú cháng]constantly changing; changeable以上来源于:《新汉英大辞典》双语例句原声例句So even if, on average, the stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.所以即使平均而言,股票应该是不会,和开盘的时候有什么区别,有一些股票可能会,没什么变化,不是很反复无常。望采纳ACE英语,您身边的英语专家

The weather is constantly changing

ficklechangeful varied

1.这段时间天气变化无常。: It's so changeable at this time of .四月里变化无常的天气: April .这星期他脾气变化无常,所以不要惹他生气。: His temper's is changeable this week, so do not annoy him.变化无常: constantly changingExamples:1. 我希望你不要再这样变化无常了,快拿定主意吧! I wish you wouldn't keep chopping and changing like this, make up your mind!2. 那个女孩变化无常的性格让我们很生气。 The wantonness of the girl's character annoyed us.


翻译如下:变化无常根据语境changeable; fantasticality; constantly changing; chop and change都可以。例句:预报针对的是变化无常的天气。The forecast is for changeable weather.


It is said that there is no weather in Britain.【直译】据说在英国没有天气。可能指英国的天气不好~ It is said that…是据说的意思。但很勉强说是“有人说,没有英国的天气。”

英国人常常说,别的国家有气候,我们英国只有天气。言外之意是:英国天气变化无常,不像其他国家有着比较恒定、稳定的气候。 句子Other countries have a climate ,but in England we have weather,English people often say. 修改了一下,供参考。 希望有帮助!


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