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a present中文翻译,a present是什么意思,a present发音、用法及例句

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a present中文意思翻译



 a present中文翻译,a present是什么意思,a present发音、用法及例句

a present双语使用场景

1、His friends passed the hat round and bought him a present.───他的朋友们募捐给他买了一件礼物.

2、I requited him for his help with a present.───我送他一份礼以答谢他的帮助.

3、The children clubbed together to buy a present for their teacher.───孩子们凑钱给老师买了一件礼物.

4、The children were invited to dip their hands into the barrel for a present.───孩子们被邀请把手伸进木桶里取礼物.

5、you get a present for your mother?───为了送给莎伦一件礼物,我一上午都在满城奔走寻觅。

6、Hampton Court was made over to Henry VIII as a present.───汉普顿宫被作为礼物转送给了亨利八世。

7、I want to buy a present for my mother and father.───我想给爸爸妈妈买件礼物。

8、a present tied with yellow ribbon───系着黄丝带的礼物

9、you get your mother a present?───你母亲买礼物了吗?

10、Figure 4 - 2 shows a present - day laboratory version of the electroscope.───图4 - 2就是目前实验室里的验电器样式.

11、I will give you a present on your birthday without fail.───你生日时我一定送你一份礼物.

12、Will you make me a present of your photograph?───你可以送我一张照片 吗 ?

13、It was a present from Aunt Vera.───这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。

14、Please accept it as a present.───请把它作为一件礼物收下.

15、We lumped all our money together to buy our teacher a present.───我们把所有的钱放在一起去给我们的老师买件礼物.

16、The children clubbed together to buy their teacher a present.───孩子们共同出钱为他们的教师买一件礼物.

17、I make a present of a watch to him on his birthday.───我在他生日那天送给他一块表.

a present相似词语短语

1、to present───呈现


3、the present───当代;礼物;暂时


5、at present───目前,现在

6、present───adj.现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现在时(态)的;n.礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;(举枪的)瞄准;v.颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露




at present和now的区别

画一根时间轴,以0基点为现在当下此刻,左边负值表过去,右边正值表将来,一“轴”打尽所有时态组合。切记,句中出现now并非一定表示位于基点0处,而“at present”特指现在这个时刻,必是基点为0。


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