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water conservation中文翻译,water conservation是什么意思,water conservation发音、用法及例句

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water conservation中文意思翻译


 water conservation中文翻译,water conservation是什么意思,water conservation发音、用法及例句


water conservation双语使用场景

1、Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation.───这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。

2、The paper puts forward corresponding measures for soil and water conservation.───对此提出了相应的水土保持措施.

3、The main target for the protection of water conservation forest and its ecosystem.───其主要保护对象为水源涵养林及其生态系统.

4、Large scale structures such as flooring, floor, roof and so on water conservation.───大面积结构如地坪 、 楼板 、 屋面等可以蓄水养护.

5、The synthetical benefits of and water conservation after harness in Shima small watershed are evaluated.───综合评价了石马河小流域治理后的水土保持效益.

6、Function and value analysis of water conservation , soil and fertility maintenance of urban forest in Guangzhou.───广州城市森林涵养水源、固土保肥的功能及价值分析.

7、To Search for the Information of Soil and Water Conservation.───上网搜寻水土保持相关资料.

8、Soil and water conservation is a basic installation and industry.───水土保持既是一项基础设施,又是一项基础产业.

9、While we can learn many aspects from developed nations, they also should learn something from us, such as water conservation.───虽然我们有很多方面能向发达国家那里学习,但他们也应该在某些方面向我们学习,比如,节约用水。

10、function of forest floor on water conservation, nutrient supply, promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed.───森林地层在水土保持、养分供应、促进生物呼吸强度和土壤发育等方面的作用。

11、The water conservation is the basal industry and strategically industry.───水利是国民经济体系中的基础产业和战略产业.

12、Trees are helpful in water conservation.───树木有助于涵养水源.

13、The results show that soil and water conservation forest gives its maximal benefit after definite age.───研究结果表明,水土保持林要达到一定的年龄才能发挥其最大的水保效益.

14、In the evenings, fireworks light up the sky. The King awards the Stockholm water Prize for the most outstanding contribution to water conservation.───到了晚上,烟火点亮了整个天空,国王会颁发斯德哥尔摩水上奖给对保护水资源最杰出贡献者。

15、It is important to ecology environment and soil and water conservation.───高速公路建设对生态环境和水土保持的影响较大.

16、This paper analyses soil and water conservation of tillage measures, with reference to rainfall influences.───从径流能量入手, 在室内人工降雨试验的基础上,分析了坡面耕作措施对径流能量的削减作用.

17、Watershed management involves soil & water conservation, water affairs, poverty reduction, forestry and agriculture sectors, etc.───流域管理涉及水保, 水利, 扶贫, 林业,农业等多个部门.

18、Myself select the irrigation and water conservation project to take the design the primary coverage.───本人选取农田水利工程作为设计的主要内容.

water conservation相似词语短语


2、soil conservation───[土壤]土壤保持

3、nature conservation───自然保护;自然保育;自然保持

4、acute observation───敏锐的观察

5、weather observation───[气象]天气观测


7、mass observation───民意调查

8、energy conservation───[物]能量守恒;能源节约




n. 保存,保持;保护


The law of conservation of energy is one of the universal basic laws in nature.



energy conservation能量守恒;能源节约

water conservation节约用水,水源保护;水利

soil conservation土壤保持

water and soil conservation水土保持

resource conservation资源保护;资源保育


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