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connecting flight中文翻译,connecting flight是什么意思,connecting flight发音、用法及例句

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 connecting flight中文翻译,connecting flight是什么意思,connecting flight发音、用法及例句

connecting flight中文意思翻译



connecting flight双语使用场景

1、We can offer a good connecting flight for you.───我们可以为您安排理想的联程航班.

2、Course I'm gonna to miss my connecting flight.───我会错过我的中转航班.

3、I have a connecting flight to Seattle.───我要乘联运航班去西雅图。

4、There's a connecting flight at noon.───中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

5、I want to take a connecting flight in the afternoon.───我想乘下午的衔接航班.

6、No connecting flight is available on the same day.───同一天转机是不行的.

7、You'll have about a three - hour layover before your connecting flight.───您大约停留三小时后,就能搭上转接班机.

8、How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?───我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机柜台?

9、I'd like to confirm our connecting flight reservations, please.───我想确认待飞航班的座位.

10、Please tell me where is the connecting flight counter?───请问转机柜台在哪里?

11、A connecting flight was canceled.───一架衔接的班机取消了.

12、Please put me on the earliest possible connecting flight to New York.───请帮我订一张最早的飞往纽约的联运航班.

13、You will not miss your connecting flight, as we are on time.───我们会准时到达的,误不了你的衔接航班.

14、A few suffered airsickness on the connecting flight.───一些人在转接班机上晕机了。

15、I'd like to confirm our connecting flight reservation. please.───我想确定我预定的机票是否已经办妥了.

16、I want to confirm my connecting flight reservation, please.───我想确认一下我的联运机票的预订票.

17、There're only forty minutes left for your connecting flight.───您转乘的班机还有四十分钟就要起飞了.

18、We have a connecting flight with one stopover in Hawaii.───我们中途在夏威夷停留乘坐另一班联运飞机.

connecting flight相似词语短语

1、correcting fluids───校正液体

2、morning light───晨曦(歌曲名)

3、connecting rod───[机]连杆

4、correcting fluid───改正液

5、domestic flight───国内航班

6、connecting rods───[机]连杆

7、contact flights───联系航班

8、contact flight───联络航班

9、connecting flights───转接班机



1.She finally emerged from her room at noon.中午,她终于从屋里出来了。

2.There's a connecting flight at noon.中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

3.She'll arrive in New York at noon.她将在正午抵达纽约。

4.The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.会议定于午间召开。

5.The long day of meetings started at noon.会议接连不断的漫长一天从中午开始。


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