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cash register中文翻译,cash register是什么意思,cash register发音、用法及例句

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cash register中文意思翻译


 cash register中文翻译,cash register是什么意思,cash register发音、用法及例句



cash register双语使用场景

1、So, if there is to a sustainable recovery, who will step up to the cash register?───那么, 要想实现可持续的复苏, 该由谁来花钱消费 呢 ?

2、A cash register or till is a mechanical electronic device for calculating and recording sales transactions.───现金是一种机器,直到可以整理的销售交易的金额,通常为客户打印收据.

3、Cash Register, Intelligent Lock, Card Reader, Juice Bread Maker, Lock.───收银机, 智能锁, 读卡器, 果汁面包机, 锁.

4、Receipts from cash sales should be supported by sales tickets , cash register tapes, and so on.───用现金销售的收入必须附有销售凭证及现金封条等.

5、Reporting to store manager, handle all cash receipts, POS cash register for bookstore and cafe.───向店长汇报店内所有的现金收据 、 POS机收款.

6、There's a partial list over by the cash register.───现金出纳机旁边有张部分的进货单.

7、Another employee takes the tape out of cash register and records the cash receipts the day.───汇总的现金数量应当是与带子上的记载是一致的.

8、Reporting to store manager , handle all cash receipts cash register for bookstore and cafe.───乡村百货店把我们周末买食品的金额记入一架老式现金收入机.

9、A man he picked up a box of milk went to the cash register.───一位男士说完拎起一箱牛奶往收银台走去.

10、He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.───他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。

11、Amounts cash sales should be rung up on cash register at the time of each sale.───收银机应该放置于可以让顾客醒目看到记录金额数量的位置.

12、At present the Ministry of Finance through the administrative means to promote Fiscal Cash Register.───目前,财政部正通过行政手段大力推广税控收款机.

13、He left you standing there with the cash register open?───收银机还开着他就去给你拿毯子?

14、Two men forced the clerks to flee before helping themselves to the cash register.───两名男子强迫店员跑开,然后偷走了现金出纳机里的钱。

15、He'd been helping himself to the money in the cash register.───他一直在偷现金出纳机中的钱。

16、I work at the cash register.───在收银台工作.

17、This cash register must have come out of the ark.───这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的.

18、Sorry. The cash register system is out of order . Please follow me to another checkout.───很抱歉, 因收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单.

19、The first cash register was patented , by James Ritty in Ohio.───美国俄亥俄州人 詹姆斯·蒂 获得现金出纳机专利权.

20、You want to explain to me why your prints were found on the cash register?───那你能不能跟解释一下为什么你的指纹会出现在收银机上?

21、She rings up the items on the cash register.───她把物品款项打入现金记录机.

22、I stand in line at the cash register.───我在收银台前排队.

23、The raiders snatched $100 from the cash register.───劫匪从现金出纳机里抢走了100元。

24、He told her to empty the cash register into a bag.───他告诉她把现金装入袋子.

25、She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.───她正用一台老掉牙的收银机记账。

26、Are you sure someone stole from the cash register?───你确定有人从收银机里偷钱 吗 ?

27、He pilfer from a cash register.───他偷叫银机里的钱.

28、In the hospital, yang Yan finds familiar expert doctor late , draw out cash register, take drug.───在医院里, 杨艳先后找到熟悉的专家医生, 并掏钱挂号 、 拿药.

29、She punched up the cost of our groceries on the cash register.───她在打款机上打出我们这些物品的价钱.

30、This cash register is temporally closed.───本收银机临时关闭.

31、He understands how to ring the cash register.───他懂得如何同出纳员打交道.

cash register相似词语短语

1、NAI register───NAI寄存器

2、parish registers───教区记事录

3、chest registers───n.胸声音域,胸声区

4、chest register───胸牌

5、church register───堂区俗人委员

6、cash registers───收银机

7、parish register───教区登记册

8、sales register───[贸易]销售登记簿

9、check register───检查寄存器

cash kegister是什么意思?

Cash register就是收银机的意思。


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